Israeli Jew wins a Nobel, world boycott movement in shock

Go ahead, world. Boycott Israeli academic institutions. It totally makes sense, because it’s not like Israeli students will grow up to do Nobel-prize winning work or anything like that.

Israeli scientist Ada Yonath, 70, was awarded the Nobel Prize for chemistry for showing how ribosomes function, work that has important implications for antibiotics, the prize committee said on Wednesday.

She’s a native-born Israeli, just the type we keep being told are the usurpers in the land. Funny, she’s older than the modern state of Israel. How did she manage to usurp the land?

A renowned scientist, Yonath serves as the director of the Helen and Milton A. Kimmelman Center for Biomolecular Structure and Assembly at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

She was a co-recipient of the 2006 Wolf Prize in Chemistry, along George Feher, and in 2008, became the first Israeli to win a lifetime’s achievement award from L’Oréal and UNESCO for her vital work identifying how bacteria become resistant to antibiotics.

Now she has become the first Israeli woman to win a Nobel Prize.

The would-be head of UNESCO from Egypt threatened to burn any Israeli books he found in Egyptian libraries. Ada was so poor as a child, she couldn’t even afford books.

I’ll have to readjust the Jewish Nobel count, but I think I’ll wait until they’re all in.

Update: Linked by Yahoo! News again. A typical comment (that I’m not approving): “Such hate…” Get it? Pointing out that Israelis are contributing to the world is hate. I think it’s safe to respond: Such idiots….

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20 Responses to Israeli Jew wins a Nobel, world boycott movement in shock

  1. I think you need to go one step further: the Arab and Muslim nations invaded the newborn country of Israel for the purposes of exterminating this woman all Jews in the region.

    Multiple times since then, the Arab nations, Muslim nations, and their allies have tried to repeat that effort, whether through open warfare, armed terrorism, or diplomatic terrorism.

    They wanted this woman dead with all of her scientific achievements, unparalleled brilliance, and now internationally-recognized excellence in Chemistry.

    And still do.


    PS: I’m sure it’s safe to adjust the Arab Nobel count… well, not that you’d actually have to adjust the count, just the year.

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    Remember, one of the plus elements to getting the Nobel Peace (should be spelled with an ‘i’ and two ‘s’) is the number of Joos killed as a result of the winners activity. Thus, Hamas is eligible for that “prize”.

  3. Gerry says:

    The Palestinians are complaining that there’s no Nobel Prize for making rockets out of sewage pipes. But give the Nobel Committee a little time….

  4. P.Waters says:

    People are people and achievement is achievement. Whether or not those biased or bigoted like it, God created us all equal, with differing brains, skills and abilities, and those who achieve for the betterment of all humanity should be applauded!! Let it go at that!!

  5. Dyann says:


    What do you mean by “…newborn country of Israel…”? My history tells me that it was born back around the time of Abraham? I would use the words Newly Restored. We could count a few times Jerusalm was conquered from Babylon through the ten Crusades and onward. It is/was/and ever shall be Israel. Name of Land and of People.

    I’m just saying.

  6. Ole Olesen says:

    Congratulations to Ada Yonath and the Weizmann Institute of Science! What a special day.

    I am one of those who will keep dreaming of the day when a Nobel Prize will be shared by an Israeli and a Palestinian who collaborated at the Weizmann Institute of Science.

    Someday the Kassam makers will retire and watch their creative adult children reject violence and contribute to humanity as brilliant scientists.

    OK, I’m the optimist – from a distance. Blessings on the optimists who keep their optimism in the middle of the conflict.

  7. Kelly says:

    Congratulations to Ada. I am shocked, shocked, that the Nobel folks would give one of
    their “prizes” to a person so politcally incorrect as to actually be an Israeli.

  8. John says:

    I am in complete agreement with Dyan. Israel is not a new country. It was, is and always will be Israel.

  9. David Pitts says:

    Congratulations are in order. There is no boycott of Israeli products as far as I am concerned. Israel is a strong and vibrant country…
    Great Article.

    David Pitts

  10. Alex says:

    If there was a Weizmann Institute of Science in Palestine as well, and American tax payer’s money an scientific support was pouring in like tropical rain forest, then they would have had the chance to show off their “Nobel Prize winers”. Better for the world peace, let’s have Palestinian scientists to work with those ” American Scientists” who showed the way to others how to become a winer!

  11. Melvin says:

    The Jewish people have been persecuted from the beginning of time, it seems. They have been blamed for so many things throughout the centuries. That a Jewish woman would win a Nobel prize is awesome, and long overdue! No matter what misguided person says against the Jewish nation and people, they will remain God’s people. No one can take that away from them, except for the Jews (or anyone else, for that matter) that do not claim Jesus Christ as their savior. (Look it up in the Bible.)
    Wouldn’t it be great someday, if the Arab and Jewish people finally realized that Abraham (in the Bible) is father to both of them–that they BOTH share a common, undeniable heritage–and started acting like brothers that LOVE each other? Maybe someday, the great Arab and Jewish nations can jointly work together to create objects of PEACE!

  12. Bill R. says:

    JEHOVAH,GOD meant it when HE said in regard to Israel I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you.

  13. kathy says:

    PLEASE – let us all congratulate this wonderous acheivement – and enough racism—- PEACE – praise your GOD – who ever it may be –

  14. Really, Alex? The Saudis have been inundated with oil wealth for decades, and there are no Saudi Nobel prize winners. Ditto for the rest of the Arab world that is flooded with oil.

    The Palestinians have been given billions of dollars over the past 40 years, and yet, there’s not a single Palestinian Nobel prize winner.

    I think your cause-and-effect theory needs a little more work.

  15. George F. says:

    Israel is not a new country, It is been Israel since ancient times. Take note it is obviously much much older than UN.

  16. H. Yo'el says:

    I find this very interesting. It shows how the Israelis are working progressively to better their people and perhaps something that is beneficial to the world. Unfortunate for the Arab world because they don’t want to realize the kinship to the Israelis. We are both brothers through our father Abraham/Ibrahim. I do not see an interest in the Arab world to accomplish such achievements even though they are some of the richest people in the world. As I pointed out to a Palestinian once before, Yasser Arafat did not leave any money from his BILLIONS to the Palestinian nation, for he new that they would only squabble for it and kill each other in the process. He is the ONLY Palestinian to win a Nobel Peace Price for “renouncing” terrorism. Did he? Why is it that the Arab world grind their teeth when a Jew wins something they could have accomplished? They are TOOOO busy squabbling or trying to convert the world to their beliefs. It time they should be quiet and work toward bettering themeselves and the world.

  17. prof says:

    In all the excitement about an Israeli women winning the Noble Prize for chemistry,
    just a week ago an Israeli Physicist was the front runner to win the Noble prize for
    Atomic Physics!

  18. Dvar Dea says:

    No, he was not a front-runner for atomic physics; his fields of research are quantum mechanics and theoretical physics; two fields of research that deal with our understanding of the universe.

  19. Norman says:

    Who cares about those crack pots?
    Israel has good one of the academic institutions in the world.In spite of the fact, they are so young.
    I think many Israeli Professors are still front runners in getting a Nobel Prize.Prof. Yakir Aharonov
    and Prof. Dan Shechtman are two of them.And Prof. Elon Lindenstrauss , an Israeli currently living in USA, may get Fields Medal award ,the Nobel equivalent of mathematics, next year.

  20. Joshua says:

    Just for the record, this makes 9 Israeli Nobel Prize winners in all.

    All Arab countries combined have a total of 5 Nobel Prize winners. And, yes, one of those is Yasir Arafat’s Nobel Peace Prize.

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