Wednesday SNB

How to get around 1701: Say you’re supporting the Lebanese army. Iran is offering to shore up Hezbollah by selling arms to the Lebanese army. Since there is no UN resolution against arming the Lebanese army, I can see this one actually working. I wonder if this has something to do with the North Korean ship that was heading for Iran with arms and munitions.

Work accident kills two Hamas terrorists: No word on whether or not they were planting the bombs where the sun doesn’t shine.

Gilad Shalit’s release: Don’t hold your breath. Every time there is a rumor that the release is imminent, Hamas never fails to disappoint. Every time an Israeli says they will not pay too high a price for Shalit’s remains release, Hamas says without that price, there will be no release. And may I say: Bastards.

Arms and the Russians: Time magazine is reporting that Israel was behind the hijacking of a Russian ship in July—the one that the Russians say was filled with timber, and that two sources so far have said were filled with missiles heading for Iran. This is the second source to say that the ship was hijacked by Israel. One of those sources is a Russian journalist. Hmmm. Update: Ynet says the Russians hijacked the ship themselves. No wonder they told the EU source to shut up.

No joking about The One: Time magazine noticed how wussy comedians are regarding making jokes about Obama. Yeah, we kind of noticed that while he was on the campaign trail. Jokes? Obama? Sacrilege!

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3 Responses to Wednesday SNB

  1. Gerry says:

    There’s a story on YNET that says the Russians themselves may have hijacked the ship because they learned there were S-300 missiles hidden in the cargo hold. The plot thickens.

  2. Updated the post. Thanks, Gerry!

  3. Veeshir says:

    Not only would they not make jokes about him, but they excused it by saying that there’s nothing funny about him.

    I have to admit, I’m starting to come around to that point of view.

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