Your Monday Snark News

U.K. determined to lose Israeli arms market: The U.K. is embargoing arms to Israel, while insisting that it’s not an embargo—they’re just refusing to sell replacement parts. Luckily, Israel was smart enough to make sure that the U.K. was only a minor arms supplier. Say, you think the U.K. will start embargoing money to the PA, since it pays Hamas with that money? No? What’s that you say? Smells like hypocrisy? The devil you say!

Establishing the precedent: Palestinians in the West Bank will be getting their mail through Jordan‘s postal service. Let’s help them with their slogan: Neither bombs, nor bullets, nor threat of invasion, will stop us from—oh, wait. Yes it will.

Egypt gives up on Hamas-Fatah reconciliation: Yeah, even Egypt’s patience is at an end. Watch for the world media to still blame this on Israel, though.

Syria won’t give up Shabaa Farms fiction: Syria told the UN to take a hike regarding its suggestion that Syria actually define the borders of the territory it says Israel took. The Shabaa Farms, meanwhile, is actually part of Lebanon, not Syria, and the UN states as much years ago, but in its ever-kowtowing-to-Arabs mode, is now pretending that it never said anything of the sort. Because, after all, why would the UN want peace in the region? They’d have to stop classifying Palestinians as refugees and end UNRWA if that happened, and then where would they work?

Solana to Israel: We’ll impose peace on you if you don’t make peace. Israel to Solana: Shut up and retire already, you impotent old fool. I don’t care what you say about Avigdor Lieberman, this quote alone makes his election worth it:

“With all due respect to Solana, he’s about to retire … and we should not overstate the importance of his statement,” Lieberman said.

Perfect. Hilarious.

Hamastan on the Hudson: Actually, not on the Hudson. On Israel’s border. The Hamas morality police are patrolling the beaches, cities, and towns. Women are being forced to wear the hijab (but I thought there was no compulsion under Islam?). And the march to the Talibanization of Gaza continues. But hey, settlements that are the real obstacle to peace.

Both Hamas and its rivals in the Palestinian Authority appear to be satisfied with the fact that the Obama Administration has turned the issue of the settlements into the major problem, shifting attention from the incompetence and corruption in the West Bank and the emergence of the new Islamic state in the Gaza Strip.

The high-profile controversy over Israel’s policy of building new homes for Jewish settlements has in fact facilitated Hamas’s mission.

Read it all.

This entry was posted in Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Lebanon, United Nations. Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Your Monday Snark News

  1. Elisson says:

    Best new feature yet! Real news, plus the patented Yourish snark. Please feel free to continue.

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