Snarky Briefs, Thursday edition

“Moderate” Palestinian Prime Minister says Israel is “Judaizing” Jerusalem. Because it’s not like Jerusalem was, oh, I don’t know, built by Jews, or anything. He also says Israel is “ethnically cleansing” the Jordan Valley, but hey, he’s a moderate that Israel can work with, right? Right? Riiight.

Another murder, another terrorist attack. Yeah. The Palestinians want peace. Really they do.

A keen grasp of the obvious: UN: Israel-Lebanon ceasefire fragile. Wow, that Ban Ki-Moon is one hell of a deep thinker, ain’t he?

Syria to Israel: We lost the war, so you must give us concessions. Actually, that’s the Arab way, isn’t it? We lost, so you have to do what we say. Really, it’s an Alice in Wonderland world view. Luckily, the Israel response can be summed up as: BWAHAHAHA!

Mubarak to Israel: Shalit is fine. Hamas to Mubarak: You don’t know nuffin‘. But they insist they’re not deliberately insulting Mubarak, so everything’s cool. Mind you, this is what happens every single time someone says Shalit is fine. All I will say is: He was shot in the stomach, and there has never been any proof that he’s still alive.

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One Response to Snarky Briefs, Thursday edition

  1. jeff says:

    Well, Jerusalem wasn’t Technically *founded* by Jews…
    Didn’t David conquer it from the Jebusites? That said,
    Jerusalem *has* been a Jewish city since the 10th century BCE,
    and should remain so, including the Temple Mount.

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