Keep the comments coming

Thanks for taking the poll. I’ll be bumping it to the top again on Monday. In the meantime, your comments have already been extremely helpful. One person suggested I write about “observations on American society and people’s behaviours,” and, well, that’s a great idea. “American Scene” is going to become a regular blog feature.

Someone else wanted me to discuss internal Israeli issues, such as conversion. Sorry, never gonna happen. First, I’m not Israeli, so I can offer, at best, an outsider’s viewpoint. Secondly, you know what? I have no desire to start religious arguments on my blog. And every time I discuss something like conversion, it brings out the worst in people. I’m going to stick to pissing off mostly non-Jews, rather than starting Jewish religious wars. It’s what I’ve been doing for eight years, and that’s not about to change. I prefer to leave religion to those that are far more knowledgeable than I.

Keep the suggestions coming. I think I’ve figured out the new format, and it’s going to involve new subjects and weekly posts on those subjects, sort of like daily newspaper sections—like the New York Times having the science section on Tuesdays, entertainment on Wednesdays, etc., etc.

And expect to see more posts on feminist issues. Now those ought to bring out the comments in droves.

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2 Responses to Keep the comments coming

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    Good point about avoiding the religious wars. Remember the “definitions”.

    Anyone to the right of me is a fanatic. Anyone to the left of me is a heretic. Those who agree with me are sane and rational (:-)

    As far as “feminist issues” go, many of the people posting on them are as confused as people fighting about evolution and creation. That is, many of the people on both sides of the issues do not understand their own side much less the opposing side and they do not follow the actual logic of the positions.

    Note that I am not counting you among those people. You have shown yourself to be sane and rational even when you don’t agree with me (:-).

  2. ira says:

    Meryl: I enjoy your blog. As far as “spicing it up,” or diversifying, here is my advice to you: Don’t worry about what I (or anyone else) would find interesting; write about stuff that you find interesting, and passionate about. And don’t worry about disagreements. I may disagree with you, but I will not ever find you disagreeable.

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