Blog thoughts on a holiday weekend (bumped)

This blog has become a broken record. I can recycle posts from two years ago, and very little will have changed. I’m bored. You’re bored. Traffic is down. Commenting is almost nonexistent. Things need to change.

What do you want to see? I really have no idea, at this moment, what my readers want. I know a lot of you are still happy with what I’m doing, but I’m not nearly as happy doing it as I was a few years ago. Change has been the raison d’blog—when this blog gets stale, it must change or die. I don’t think I’m ready to give it up. So help me figure out how to change it.

You can add your own suggestions in the “Other” field. Please take the time if you have an idea for me.

Your input is critical, even if you never, ever comment here. If I get only a few dozen answers, well, that’s not exactly representative of the thousands of visitors I get per day. So come on, take a minute to click on the poll buttons.

You have to understand something: I’m tired of my own blog. That means that I may not want to continue blogging if I can’t change it to something that I’m happy about again. If you want me to keep blogging, well, help me out here. Because although I don’t want to quit blogging, that, too, is an option. It would free up a whole lot of time in my life.

Vote, please.

(P.S.: I opened comments. Forgot that I’d closed them to all but registered users lately.)

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6 Responses to Blog thoughts on a holiday weekend (bumped)

  1. Rick says:

    Meryl – I’ve been reading your blog for years. It HAS changed over the years. I must say I liked it more when it was more about you – your life, your joys, your travails, your jeep, your cats, etc. Lately it seems that it concentrates more on the latest Palestinian outrage, and the lack of a response by the rest of the world.

    I know Israel is important to you. I am saying this poorly, but your frustration with what goes on in the middle east comes through. Maybe you do need to take a break.

    I’ll never meet you, and I regret that, but I would rather have known you vicariously through your blog, than never to have known you at all. If you need some time, take it, and come back refreshed and renewed.

    Just a thought – take it FWIW.


  2. Pamela says:

    Heya Meryl

    Keep doing what you are doing. I have learned more by reading your blog about the duplicity of the MSM and their deliberate undermining of Israel.

    Hopefully in the future, Israel will be safe from scorn and the wholesale wanton attempt by cowards to destroy her.
    Then your blog will change and follow a different path.

    All the best


    p.s. Orange says hi to Tig and Miss Gracie

  3. cliff was from montreal says:

    Please continue!While I understand your concerns , I have always enjoyed reading the day to day of what’s going on, plus this blog has turned out to be a valuable resource for those of us that care about Israel.
    Thanks for what you do.
    All the best.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    As a long-time reader (and commenter too, I’ll thankyouverymuch to remember) I think you should take a careful look at blogging. If it has become a chore and a drag for you, if you no longer like doing it, if the task of giving us free ice cream so often is getting you down, then you should give it up, or at least take a vacation from it. You could go into occultation, like a Shi’a Imam. We, your devoted followers, would no doubt wait with impatient anticipation for your reappearance. Of course, I doubt you would hide from us at the bottom of a well.

    What do Snoopy and Soccerdad think? Informally it’s become a group blog after all.

    Perhaps you could still do your pieces for Shire Network News to keep your hand in. You would then not face the task of constantly having to produce free ice cream for all of us demanding fans out here. Lifting that pressure might bring back the pleasure of it for you.

    Ah, it will be a duller world without catblogging pictures of Tig and Gracie.

    PS My vote was multiple: humorous pieces, political, and other: Israel posts. Keep us up-to-date on the cats too. Oops, I guess that’s not too different from the current setup.

  5. Sabba Hillel says:


    I have not commented because what you have said is good enough that you do not need my dittos. In the past, when I have commented, it was only when I had something that I thought would contribute to the discussion. In any case, keep on posting. I read you more often than Michelle Malkin, Hot Air or any of the others. I would not want to have to stop.

  6. Veeshir says:

    I put “leave it as it is”, but maybe you could get in a good blog fight, it’s been a while.
    One simple post about … or one of his cobloggers (maybe he of the “Joooos and their
    Arab-killing bomb”) could get some hilarity going.
    And as we all know, a good blogfight gets links and hits (the good kind of hits).

    I know, it’s probably more annoying than it’s worth, and courting a battle with unhinged,
    deranged fools like that is probably not the route you want to go.

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