Ship of predictable fools

Can I call it, or what?


Expect to hear about how they were stopped in international waters. By mean ol’ Israeli navy boats that tried to ram them. And since Cynthia McKinney was on board, expect to hear more Jew-hatred from her.


According to the Free Gaza group, McKinney said, “This is an outrageous violation of international law against us. Our boat was not in Israeli waters, and we were on a human rights mission to the Gaza Strip,” before authorities confiscated cell phones.

“President Obama just told Israel to let in humanitarian and reconstruction supplies, and that’s exactly what we tried to do. We’re asking the international community to demand our release so we can resume our journey,” McKinney said, according to the group.

They’re being deported as soon as Israel can get rid of them.

I was also right about the lameness of the Free Gaza servers. I was a little off about the lameness of the Free Gaza idiots. Here’s how lame they are: Their tweets from yesterday.

Waiting to hear from attorneys about kidnapped passengers. Boat going to Ashdod. Israel continuing to commit war crimes, now against us.

Website overwhelmed. Boat towed. Passengers turned over to immigration, ironic since we don’t WANT to be in Israel. They were kidnapped.

Shyeah. I’m betting their attorneys told them they weren’t kidnapped.

Wait for the Jew-hatred. It’ll come.

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4 Responses to Ship of predictable fools

  1. hs935684 says:

    Meryl, it’s too bad that Israel, in addition to deporting them, doesn’t declare each of them persona non grata on a permanent basis. Then, should they ever again set foot in Israel or enter Israel’s waters or airspace, they’d end up in jail for an extended visit.

  2. Veeshir says:

    Now don’t get me wrong, I like your blog and I like your writing,
    even though I’m a dog person, but…..

    Foretelling Cynthia McKinney freaking out and spewing Jew hatred is about as tough as
    “Fortelling” that the piece of meat that hit the floor will end up in the dog’s belly.

  3. Yeah, but it’s also fun to be able to write their stupid press releases without waiting for them to actually, you know, write them.

    I’m thinking the reason my traffic is down lately is that people are just recycling my posts from the last year or two. I mean, really. Nothing’s changing.

  4. Veeshir says:

    You could recycle them from 20 years ago and you would just have to scratch out “Arafat” and
    add in Abu Terrorist (or whoever’s in charge of the PLO these days).

    It’s funny, (not really ha-ha funny), when I watch Weekend Update from early seasons of SNL
    (Chevy Chase, Belushi, et al.) and they talk about the Middle East, it could be today.
    Except Arafat’s dead, but other than that, nothing’s changed. It’s all about shaking hands for
    the cameras and saying how this time, this time! it’ll mean peace in our time.

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