Ship of Fools: Fooled twice

The Israeli Navy stopped the Free Gaza “peace” activists. Expect the usual lies about ramming, random cruelty of the IDF, and other ridiculous stories.

At around noon Tuesday the Israeli Navy intercepted and took control of a boat that had set sail for the Gaza Strip with three tons of medical supplies, Palestinian sources said, adding that the Navy jammed the boat’s radio signals.

The IDF Spokesperson’s Office confirmed the report. Israeli military sources said there was no violence after the small ferry, sailing from Cyprus with activists from the US-based Free Gaza Movement, was intercepted off Gaza.

Here’s the Israeli side of the story:

Earlier Tuesday, “Free Gaza” founder Greta Berlin told Ynet that at around 11:00 am six Navy vessels approached the boat and ordered it to stop some 50 kilometers off Gaza’s coastline. Despite the order, the boat continued to sail towards the Hamas-ruled territory, said Berlin, who is currently in Cyprus.

Berlin said that the communication with the boat had been disrupted from 1:40-6:00 am, adding that its GPS and navigation systems had been blocked by the Navy, forcing the crew to navigate with the use of a compass alone.

Yeah, well, all they used to use were compasses, and sailors of old managed to do quite well without GPS systems.

Expect to hear about how they were stopped in international waters. By mean ol’ Israeli navy boats that tried to ram them. And since Cynthia McKinney was on board, expect to hear more Jew-hatred from her.

For what it’s worth, the Free Gaza website is not responding. Either it’s so lame that it can’t handle the extra traffic today’s incident brings, or someone hacked it. I suspect the former.

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