Yes, I’m going to have details for EATAPETA Day 2009. That’s Eat A Tasty Animal For PETA (just to get back at them for all the annoying things they do).

I’ve been asked to start a Facebook group. That would entail my actually, you know, joining Facebook.

I really, really don’t want to. But I may have to.

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4 Responses to EATAPETA Day 2009

  1. Elisson says:

    If you don’t, I will.

    Too bad I can’t have some whale bacon shipped in from Japan. It’s not only tasty… and meaty… but it also gives PETA people brain hemorrhages from being so pissed off!

  2. Bob says:

    I prefer the tuna-safe dolphin myself.

  3. You know, those are actually not what the day is all about. It isn’t to eat endangered species, or species we normally wouldn’t eat. It’s just to eat our regular cows and chickens and turkeys (with the occasional game meat thrown in). Not to rid the world of more whales.

    I’m with the people who want Japan to stop whaling. Those are magnificent creatures, and they’ve been fished to near-extinction.

  4. Rahel says:

    Last week, my friend and I found this fantastic — but absolutely stellar — meat restaurant in Herzliya Pituah. We practically staggered out of there. Address on request.

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