War on Gaza Update #8.5

Hello Yourish readers,

I am Jack and I am pleased to be given the privilege to post here. Meryl has been kind enough to provide some links to the updates I have been running on the war.

I am going to continue that process by encouraging you to go review the War on Gaza Update #8.5.

You’ll find that is a collection of articles from the main stream media and post from around the blogosphere. The goal is to help provide a more comprehensive and complete understanding of the war. It is a challenging task because of the number of obstacles to overcome.

Those obstacles include sloppy reporting, intentional misinformation and or mischaracterization of what is going on and the willingness of some people to close their eyes and put their fingers in their ears. More on this at a later date.

In addition to the updates I am also the administrator of the Jewish/Israeli blog carnival called Haveil Havalim. I’d like to point out that I took over from the inimitable Soccer Dad who also posts here.

The most recent edition of Haveil Havalim #199 is the aptly named:
The We Can’t Stop Twittering/Blogging/Reading/Worrying/Watching/What’s Going On in Israel Right Now Edition….
or….The Stuck To My BlackBerry Like Glue Edition….

Thank you for your time. I look forward to seeing you again.

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3 Responses to War on Gaza Update #8.5

  1. Ooh, special bonus mini podcast in by Jack in update 8.5. What a great voice. (I’m a sucker for baritones.)

  2. John M. says:

    Welcome Jack.

  3. jen says:

    Welcome Jack!

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