99 UNHRC demands

The UN Human Wrongs Council has made a list of 99 “recommendations” (we shall call them “demands”) that Israel must follow before, presumably, the UNHRC stops blaming Israel for all of the wrongs in the world while ignoring utterly the human rights devastation in Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Syria, etc., etc., etc.

Sing it with me, folks:

99 UNHRC demands, 99 UN demands
Take one down and pass it around
98 UNHRC demands

98 UNHRC demands, 98 UN demands
Take one down and pass it around
97 UNHRC demands

97 UNHRC demands, 97 UN demands
Take one down and pass it around
96 UNHRC demands

Or, if you’re into Europop:

99 UN demands
Thrown against the Jewish State
99 UN demands
Think Israel will hesitate

Oh, forget it. I hate Europop, and that song sucked back when it was a hit. Let’s go back to the first one.

96 UNHRC demands, 96 UN demands
Take one down and pass it around
95 UNHRC demands

I think I’ll teach it to my nephew this weekend and see if he’ll teach it to his friends on the schoolbus. He’s in the gifted program. He gets this stuff better than the morons in the UNHRC.

A more serious post on this to follow.

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