Reasons to vote McCain

There are many reasons to vote for McCain. What puzzles me is why four out of five of my fellow Jews are going to vote for Obama.

Sammy Benoit has a piece up on Israel National News that my Jewish readers should read in full before they pull that lever for Obama on Tuesday.

Here’s only a part:

So, how can Senator Obama be pro-Israel and have so many anti-Israel buddies? Well, one prominent Palestinian-American will tell you that Obama is hiding his true feelings toward the Jewish State.

Ali Abunimah is a pro-Arab journalist and founder of the Electronic Intifada website. He will tell you that Senator Obama is full of crap when he says that he is pro-Israel: “If disappointing, given his historically close relations to Palestinian-Americans, Obama’s about-face is not surprising. He is merely doing what he thinks is necessary to get elected.”

Abunimah says that Obama has long been a friend of the Palestinian community, but he knows where the money is. He has changed his position because those in the pro-Israel camp (American Jews?) have the money to get him elected.

Read it all. Obama is not going to be a friend of Israel. He is going to raise your taxes. He is going to weaken America’s defense in a time when we are fighting two wars.

He refused to acknowledge the surge was working until it was absolutely undeniable, and even then, called it “surprising.”

He is trying to buy the election by going back on his pledge to use public campaign financing. He is using Chicago politics to try to win the election, as he has done his entire career. He has, in fact, done nothing worth earning my confidence that he can lead this nation. He has never led more than a committee meeting. I don’t trust this man to be my Commander-in-chief. And I don’t trust him to shepherd America through the hard times we’re seeing on the economic and international fronts.

John McCain is a centrist, as he has always been. He has trended to the right because he needs the Republican base to vote for him. Obama has trended towards the left because he has always been hard-left. The only thing we truly have to judge him by are his actions these last two years, and the associations he has developed in the past. Neither of them give me any hope that he will move to the center once he’s elected.

If you are afraid of Sarah Palin and not voting for McCain because of that, I would remind you that George W. Bush has similar religious views as Palin, and we have seen no leaning towards theocracy as a result of that. Nothing happened to Roe v. Wade under a Bush Administration. We’re not praying in the schools by government fiat.

If you can’t bring yourself to vote McCain, then choose a third party candidate. I’d rather see you throw your vote away than vote for Obama. The man is nothing but a facade, and he is unfit to lead.

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14 Responses to Reasons to vote McCain

  1. Ben-David says:

    Hey Meryl –

    Take a look at how the AP is reporting excavation of a First Temple-era Jewish town:

    The five lines of faded characters written 3,000 years ago, and the ruins of the fortified settlement where they were found

    – – – – – – – –
    Get it? 3000 years ago, the Jews were still “settlers”.

    The site of the dig is near Bet Shemesh – just off the main Tel-Aviv/Jerusalem highway.

    The inscription they found is called “proto-Canaanite” to further blur the Jewish connection.

    The article finishes up with:

    Modern Zionism has traditionally seen archaeology as a way of strengthening the Jewish claim to Israel and regarded David’s kingdom as the glorious ancestor of the new Jewish state.
    – – – – – – – – – –

    In other words, evidence that Jews actually lived here is eeevil Zionist propaganda, rather than simple fact.


  2. Jeff says:

    I’m not afraid of Sarah Palin’s religious views. I don’t like and fear her documented history of abuse of power at all executive levels, her history of cronyism, her lack of understanding of our Constitution and what it means, her hypocrisy and history with respect to taxes, and her contempt for Americans like me and others that don’t have the “correct” point of view.

  3. LynnB says:

    Documented history of abuse of power at all executive levels (documented where please?)

    History of Cronyism (ditto?)

    Lack of understanding of our Constitution (you’ve got to be kidding but, ok, again, linkey?)

    Hyprocrisy and history with respect to taxes (“?)

    Contempt for … huh?

    Jeff, that’s a boatload of unsubstantiated accusations you’re flinging around there. Care to, you know, give a specific or two?

  4. Jeff says:

    Don’t know how many links Meryl will allow. Here are a few.

    Abuse of Power: You’ve got to be kidding me. Troopergate where she had no issues with his conduct until two years later during a divorce and other firings in Wasilla reminiscent of the DOJ attorney firings.

    a vacancy at the top of the State Division of Agriculture, she appointed a high school classmate, Franci Havemeister, to the $95,000-a-year directorship. A former real estate agent, Ms. Havemeister cited her childhood love of cows as a qualification for running the roughly $2 million agency.
    Not to mention the attorney general of Alaska and the natural gas pipeline bidding process.

    Constitution: Latest is what freedom of speech and freedom of the press means. Along with powers of the VP and we’ll probably disagree on executive powers in times of war.

    Taxes: Her biggest accomplishment in Alaska was a windfall profits tax on oil companies.

    Contempt: I live in a large city in California I also went to an Ivy League school, so I must be a part of the liberal elite.

  5. Gary Rosen says:

    I don’t have the time to deal with all of Jeff’s tendentious bullsh*t right now, but most of these can be turned right back on Obama and his media flacks. Just to take two quickly:

    “cronyism” – one word – Rezko

    “contempt for others that don’t have the ‘correct’ point of view” – Palin was savaged in the media, “vetted” in a way that Obama has not been until recently, precisely because McCain/Palin have been trying to bring up everything in Obama’s past (and present) that the media has studiously ignored.

  6. Jason says:

    Not to mention that she doesn’t have close ties to terrorists, or ant-americans, or anti-semites. Obama is a disgrace, and wouldn’t even get top security clearence due to his ties to these people.

  7. Jeff says:

    Wrong Keep focusing on Not Obama because running a campaign on Not Bush worked so well for Democrats in 2004.

  8. Yeah, but Kerry was such a doofus, and McCain is not.

    Remember that pathetic salute and “Reporting for duty” line?

    It makes me roll my eyes even today.

    That said, I’m not focusing on “Not Obama.” I’m focusing on “I’d have voted for McCain eight years ago if he’d run then, too.”

  9. Alex Bensky says:

    Eight years ago I would have voted for Gore anyway, but I didn’t realize that he was going to go off the deep end.

    The NY Times did a major Sunday story on Palin as governor a few weeks ago. Curiously, in a state where she has an eighty percent approval rating, they could find hardly anyone who liked her. The conclusion of the article was–gasp–that Sarah Palin is a politician who rewards her supporters and excludes her enemies. Gosh, how appalling.

    It’s not a good idea to believe much campaign rhetoric from anyone. The better question is the candidate’s history and bckground as signifiers. Obama’s viewpoint on Israel and US foreign and defense policy generally were pretty consistent until he ran for president.

    So are McCain’s. Note tht Biden didn’t suggest the jihadists would test McCain to find out his mettle. They already know it.

  10. Jeff says:

    Actually Meryl, 8 years ago, I would have voted for McCain as well. Instead, I voted Libertarian because I did not like Gore or Bush.

  11. Drew says:

    Ali Abunimah is a pro-Arab journalist and founder of the Electronic Intifada website. He will tell you….

    Please remind me exactly when it was that we began believing the statements of Palestinian Arab spokesliars? When did we learn to hate a U.S. presidential candidate enough that we became willing to cite Abunimah as though he represents a credible source of information? “Read it all,” you say? Well, here are some other Abunimah quotations:

    “Zionist leaders, academics, and propagandists are actually professional, malicious liars as much as they are violent, merciless murderers.”

    “[I]f lying is Israel’s best policy, … shouldn’t the world … doubt the Zionists’ official stories about … the holocaust, for example? … Indeed, if Zionists could lie about their present and ongoing torment of my [Palestinian] people, usurpation of my homeland and arrogation of my rights, and they do it rather obscenely, couldn’t they likewise lie, equally obscenely, about the holocaust, an event that took place over half a century ago?”

    Meanwhile, you failed to mention that al-Qaeda endorsed McCain.

    Shyeah, now I am convinced.

  12. Sufficient reason to vote McCain: because a Jew who votes for Obama is like a chicken who votes for Colonel Sanders.

  13. Michael Lonie says:

    Sarah Palin resigned from a $118,000 a year job with the Alaska Oil and Gas Commission when the governor ignored her complaints about corruption on the commissioin. Obama has been a go along to get along follower of the corrupt Chicago Democratic Party machine for his whole career. She then ran against that governor and won, when she turned out of the commissiion those who were in thepockets of the oil companies. In twenty months as governor she accomplished more than Obama has in his entire political career. Specifically she cleaned up the Commission, renegotiated the sweetheart pipeline contract that they had arranged, so as to get a better deal for Alaska, pried a higher royalty out of the oil companies and disrtibuted the funds to the Alaskan people. What has Obama done to compare with that, write two self-hagiographies?

    The allegation of abuse of power is actually false in the major points. Buried in the report, which was written by her political enemies, is the admission that she did nothing wrong. What was she supposed to do about a police officer who tasers an 11 year old boy and makes death threats to people? Say “Oh, I can’t do anything because he’s involved in a divorce with my sister.” That’s your abuse of power.

    Palin has been the target of a scurrilous and vicious slander campaign intended to destroy her political career. She is the actual victim of the kind of slandering Obama kept saying the McCain campaign would do to him, but never did. Anytime the Democrats want the “politics of personal destruction” to stop all they have to do is stop practicing it, and it will stop.

  14. anon says:

    I don’t know if you are or were in the armed forces, but unless you are or were, he will not be your commander-in-chief. He may become the commander-in-chief of the military, but if so, that means he becomes our President, not our commander-in-chief.

    Michael, the trooper didn’t just taser an 11 year old boy. That’s a smear. Learn what actually happened.

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