Republican celebrities

Okay. CBS has a slideshow that makes you go, “NFW!” when you get to this guy.

I was right! Darth Vader is a Republican.

Oh, and so’s Buffy.

And The Rock. And Corporal Klinger. And Mama Partridge. And Adam Sandler. Hey, I thought Hollywood celebs kept their conservative side under wraps for fear of lynch mobs. Oh, and Oprah—did you know Dr. Phil was a Republican?

And last, but not least: Alice Cooper. Coop! I saw him in Jersey City waaaay back when. Awesome show. I’d see him again in a heartbeat.

You know, I may not stay an independent much longer. I think it depends a lot on what direction the Republican Party chooses to go after this election. I’m finding I have less and less common ground with the Democrats. And I’m tired of not having a home of my own, so to speak.

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4 Responses to Republican celebrities

  1. wolfwalker says:

    Well, he also played Mufasa the Lion King, as well as a head of the CIA, so it’s not really all that surprising.

    Some of those names I knew, some I didn’t. And one shocked me for an entirely different reason. I have several Tom Clancy books with “About the Author” publicity photos, and I’ve seen him on TV a few times. The phrase “time has not been kind” is a drastic understatement.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Meryl, I once would have laughed hysterically at the idea that I would ever even contemplate becoming a Republican.

    My parents were ordinary ADA-type liberals by the time I acquired political consciousness. They had been members of the (democratic Norman Thomas) Socialist Party. My father left the party in 1940 over the war issue. My mother would never say but we think she voted for Thomas as late as 1944. Neither of my parents ever had any illusions about the Soviet Union.

    I was active in Teen Dems and such, and as an adult was not only a dues-paying member but was elected precinct delegate several times, ran for office under the party banner once, was on the county party committee, etc. But I do not recognize the Democratic Party of today.

    The party in which I grew up, the party of Hubert Humphrey, George Meany, and Scoop Jackson, believed in the use of American power to support democracies and allies. It believed in a government that treated all people equally, special favors for none, discrimination against none.

    The party does not. Some of its leaders openly root for the defeat of American arms for political purposes, even though they cannot even pretend we are fighting nationalists or agrarian reformers. It honors people like Michael Moore, who liken the enemy in Iraq to the Minutemen–favorably.

    It proclaims itself “the party of the people” but defines “the people” as those willing to be guided by their betters. Otherwise, it shows nothing but contempt for ordinary Americans, and pretty overtly does believe that the money people earn basically belongs to the government, which will let them keep as much as the government sees fit.

    I cannot affiliate myself with such a party. Right now, Meryl, I would guess I’m going to stay officially an independent but as you say, it depends on which way the parties go after the election.

    And I am a lot less concerned with religious Christians who would if offered a chance try to convert me peacefully than those, including some Obama pals around with, who would like to kill me.

    As a Jew and a Zionist,and a fairly ordinary, average person, would I be better off in a country run by Sarah Palin or one run by the people Obama hangs out with? Seems to be the answer is painfully clear.

  3. annoying little twerp says:

    I wonder how many of those black celebrities have gone “Colin Powell” this election.

  4. Bert says:

    You forgot Gary Sinise.

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