Hamas didn’t get the NYT memo

Someone didn’t get the New York Times editorial staff’s memo. The one that said:

A way must be found to help turn Hamas into a legitimate and acceptable negotiating partner.

Because here’s what the “negotiating partner” has to say about negotiations:

“Jerusalem will be retrieved to the Palestinians not through negotiations or by hugging and kissing the enemy, but by way of jihad, blood, shahids and resistance. With Allah’s help, Jerusalem will be returned,” he said.

And if that’s not enough for you, let me remind you that Ismail Haniyeh is the man elected by the Palestinians to represent them in negotiations. And he says he won’t accept negotiations:

Haniyeh said that “according to most all reports on secret peace talks or agreements, Israel is refusing to relinquish Jerusalem and the West Bank, refuses to accept the right of return of Palestinian refugees, refuses to dismantle the settlements and deems the Jordan Valley vital to its security.

“On behalf of the Palestinian nation and Muslims everywhere, I say that we will not accept any such agreements,” he said.

So, you think the folks who write the Times editorials are going to get a clue?

When hell freezes over, perhaps.

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that the world media and political elite ignore statements like this (which are repeated every few weeks, without fail) and insist that Hamas can be talked to, and brought into the negotiations process. Go and peruse my Hamas category to find statements like this over and over and over again. Hamas wants one thing, and only one thing: The destruction of the state of Israel, and its replacement with an Islamic caliphate. Anyone who tells you anything different is lying.

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3 Responses to Hamas didn’t get the NYT memo

  1. Alex Bensky says:

    “A way must be found to help turn Hamas into a legitimate and acceptable negotiating partner.”

    I’m with them on that. Also, a way must be found to get Lucy Lawless to fall in love with me. Equal likelihood of either way being found, I should think.

  2. Tom Frank says:

    Why would the NYT “get a clue” when the government of Israel hasn’t?

    Until the government of Israel takes a stand after one of these speeches and says “fine, if that is how it is, we’re done”, and closes the crossings and stops all interaction with the Pal’s, nothing will change.

    If they were to stop all interaction with the Pal’s, and made it publicly clear that no matter how much the press whined nothing would change until the Pal’s changed their mind, eventually, things would change. Or not; either way Israel would be better off.

    But it would require a strong stomach and a firm commitment, neither of which has never been any liberal democracies strong suite.

  3. Tom Frank says:

    …neither of which has ever been…


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