Off for a few days

I scheduled a few posts for tomorrow, but I’m going on a small vacation before going into closing-on-the-condo/packing/cleaning/painting/moving hell. I shall be visiting my friends and family in New Jersey, and I’m looking forward to it. And while I’m bringing my laptop, well, I was planning on spending most of the time outside by Kim and Bob’s pool. And maybe seeing a movie. And going to my favorite restaurant in NJ. And playing with Puddin’.

I wish I had a little more time to spend in NJ, but it’s a there-and-back-again trip, so no time for Katz’s in NYC, or visiting with my New York JBlogosphere buddies. Or friends I used to work with. Too bad Drew’s next comedy club appearance is next week instead of this one.

On the other hand, if people want to come to where I plan on being on, say, Sunday afternoon (West Orange), I could meet up for a few minutes. I’m thinking of picking up some kosher steaks while I’m there. Or maybe some corned beef. Yum. Corned beef.

More than anything, though, I’m looking forward to coming back and having only days before I get out of this craphole to a place where I don’t worry about leaving my laptop for four days, and wind up taking it with me even though I have my work laptop and don’t need to take two.

September 2nd. Closing on the 2nd. Moving on the 5th. Two weeks. Only two more weeks.

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