Syria and Iran, BFF

Yeah, they’re going so well, those indirect talks, that Ahmadinejad has the Syrian Foreign Minister in town and is talking about being BFF. Like, omigawd!

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met on Tuesday evening with visiting Syrian Foreign Affairs Minister, Walid al-Muallem, and pledged he would work to strengthen the relationship between the two countries, to the discontentment of Israel and the United States.

Hosting his guest in Tehran, Ahmadinejad emphasized that he had no intention of letting any outside factor impact the strategic alliance between Iran and Syria.

“The deeper our regional cooperation is, the more beneficial this will be to the nations in the area and the more this will impair our enemies,” he said.

Gee, what enemies could those be?

“All of the US’ plans against Lebanon and Syria have failed,” said Ahmadinejad, adding that America “is in the worst situation it has ever been in.

“Fortunately, Iran and Syria see things as they are and stand by each other, invoking much disappointment from the enemies.”

Ahmadinejad warned that “the Zionist regime and America are interested in making concessions when they are already retreating, therefore we must be alert to the enemies’ ploys.”

And what did the Syrian FM have to say about all of this?

Earlier in the day the Syrian foreign minister declared in his address at the conference that there would never be peace until Israel “returned the occupied territories.”

Uh-huh. He’s got the talking points down. So what is Israel going to do?

Why, keep talking to Syria, of course.

A Turkish official said delegations from Syria and Israel have agreed to hold more indirect peace talks in Turkey.

The official said the delegations ended their fourth round of Turkish-mediated talks in Istanbul on Wednesday and agreed to hold more in the coming months. The Turkish mediators travel between negotiators from both side who stay in separate hotels.

Because they’re working so well so far. Way to go there, Olmert. There’s another pretend feather in your cap you can brag about when you tell Israelis they won’t have Ehud Olmert to kick around anymore.

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One Response to Syria and Iran, BFF

  1. Michael Lonie says:

    Since Syria believes that Tel Aviv is part of the occupied territories peace may be farther off than the Israelis or we Americans believe.

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