Will the barn door be closed in time?

John Bolton on Iran:

Between Iran and its long-sought objective, however, a shadow may fall: targeted military action, either Israeli or American. Yes, Iran cannot deliver a nuclear weapon on target today, and perhaps not for several years. Estimates vary widely, and no one knows for sure when it will have a deliverable weapon except the mullahs, and they’re not telling. But that is not the key date. Rather, the crucial turning point is when Iran masters all the capabilities to weaponize without further external possibility of stopping it. Then the decision to weaponize, and its timing, is Tehran’s alone. We do not know if Iran is at this point, or very near to it. All we do know is that, after five years of failed diplomacy by the EU-3 (Britain, France and Germany), Iran is simply five years closer to nuclear weapons.

Reliapundit thinks that possible consequences of an Israeli strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities are overblown.

Were there any bad results when Israel destroyed Osirak – Saddam’s nuke plant?

* Nope. Privately, everyone else in the region was grateful.

Were there any bad results after Israel destroyed Syria’s nuke plant?

* Nope. Privately, everyone else in the region was grateful.

It will be the same after Israel destroys Iran’s nuke assets.

And as Bolton points out: if Israel acts the United States will be blamed anyway, so the U.S. should support Israel’s efforts.

via memeorandum

Crossposted on Soccer Dad

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