Tig in action

Two pictures of Tig during playtime this evening. The first, he’s waiting for me to throw a paper ball. Through trial and error, I’ve discovered that store receipts make the best rolled-up paper balls. They’re free, they’re the best type of paper to roll, and you never run out of them. And yes, his tail is nearly as long as he is.

Tig playing

I was also using the laser pointer tonight. I tried to make Tig dizzy. I failed. But boy, did he run around in a lot of circles on my bed.

Here’s a picture that shows his ruff coming in. He is going to look very regal when he gets his full coat, I think. Between that ruff and tail is going to be one very large Tig. Bigger than Tig the Second, I’m pretty sure. I don’t remember that Tig being this big at such a young age. Tig3 is nearly half Gracie’s size already, and he hasn’t hit the five-month mark yet. (Almost.)

Tig's teenage ruff

What really amuses me about the ruff is how much it reminds me of those scruffy patches you see on teenaged boys before their beards grow in. The ruff is all around Tig’s neck, but it’s short yet.

I can’t go to bed at night without at least some playtime. Tig expects it, and if he doesn’t get it, he attacks my feet. Or just runs around the room getting into mischief. He’s been banished two or three times in the last week.

Tomorrow, I get my new matress, a queen. Even more room to play. More pictures will come, I’m sure.

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2 Responses to Tig in action

  1. Rahel says:

    A queen-size mattress for the kitty prince and princess! (Yes, I know it’s really for you, but I couldn’t resist.)

  2. Mog says:

    He gets into mischief? Already? He has the makings of a fine bad kitty cat. And a handsome one too.

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