More anti-Christian attacks in Gaza

Hamas’ lies about respecting Gaza’s Christians continue to be exposed, and ignored by the world.

A Palestinian human rights group says assailants have beaten up guards and stolen a bus from a Christian school in Gaza.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights says the incident took place early Saturday morning at a school run by the Baptist Church.

A Palestinian Christian who worked at the school was killed in October, and a nearby Christian bookshop was firebombed months earlier. Last month assailants detonated a bomb outside another Christian school. No arrests were made in any of the incidents.

Since Hamas came to power a year ago, attacks on Gaza’s 3,000 Christians have increased. The Muslim group denies involvement and says it’s trying to protect the dwindling community.

Remember, first they came for the Jews. But if there are no Jews around, apparently, Christians will do just fine.

Countdown to the “It’s all Israel’s fault” chorus in 3, 2, 1….

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4 Responses to More anti-Christian attacks in Gaza

  1. Hugh says:

    Meryl, I could be wrong, but from what I’ve read, Christian Arabs tend to hate Israeli Jews every bit as much as their fellow Muslims. The only difference is that the Christian Arabs don’t commit suicide to express their hatred toward Jews.

  2. Alex Bensky says:

    Any moment now the Presbyterians and Episcopalians, who are awfully sensitive to the moral sins of Jews, will be issuing statements condemning the persecution of their own co-religionists…let us know when they do, Meryl.

  3. That may be true, Hugh, but the point is that Hamas lies when it says they tolerate Christians in their midst.

    The real religion of tolerance is next door, in Israel. When Israel regained the Temple Mount, they did not destroy the mosques on top of it, nor did they destroy anything outside of the buildings the Arabs put next to the Kotel Wall. And those weren’t holy buildings, just residences.

    Then again, I’m preaching to the choir here.

  4. Hugh: I don’t know about all Christian Arabs, but I do know about a Christian Palestinian coworker of mine.

    He was born in the Arab quarter of Jerusalem. He says his family lived there, as Christians, since the time of the Crusades. He and his family are (or at least were) Israeli citizens. He and his immediate family eventually decided to get out and come to America, where they live today. (They became citizens two years ago.)

    Although he doesn’t like the Israeli government very much, he doesn’t have anything nice to say about Hamas either. He wants a peaceful resolution, just as much as the Israeli citizens do. We discuss politics on many occasions, and I’ve never once heard him say a hateful word about Jews or Israelis.

    I’m not so naïve as to believe that all Christian Arabs are like my coworker, but I also can’t believe he’s the only one with a good heart. (Of course, it may well be that most of the good ones fled the country years ago, and most of those remaining are the bad apples. I don’t have enough facts to know if this is true or not.)

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