Iron Man

If you have not yet seen Iron Man, go. Sarah and I went last night, and we thoroughly enjoyed the film. It was also great to be in a half-empty theater with choice of seats. And a definitively metal soundtrack… totally fitting, but I thought they should at least have had the lyrics during the end credits.

This one’s a keeper. I may even buy it on Blu-Ray and I don’t even have a Blu-Ray player.

Looking forward to the new Hulk movie next month, too. I’m taking two of my first-year students, who I took to see the X-Men film six years ago. I suspect that they won’t have to peek through their fingers during the really violent parts this time, though. They’re fifteen by now.

Marvel characters really do seem to get the better movies. The only DC movies that have been truly great are the first two Christopher Reeve Superman movies and Batman Begins.

I really like that we have movie producers, writers, and directors who have grown up reading comic books. It makes the difference between a great comic book movie, and a piece of crap like the 1980s Swamp Thing. Ew. Now a Swamp Thing movie that was faithful to the Alan Moore series…. brrr. That’d be scary. I probably wouldn’t watch it. The comic books used to freak me out to the point that I wouldn’t read them at night. It’s not that I’m a chicken. It’s that I get really involved in whatever I am reading or watching. I have a hard time remembering it isn’t real. That’s why I can’t watch horror films. That, and the fact that they give me nightmares.

Anyway. Go see Iron Man. It rocks.

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5 Responses to Iron Man

  1. Eric J says:

    Funny, I finally saw it last night as well.

    I hope you stayed through the credits. I really have nothing to complain about, except maybe Happy Hogan not getting a few lines. Can’t really blame the director for that.

  2. No. It was late. Damn.

  3. Elisson says:

    I think Marvel always “got” the superhero “thing” better than DC, even though DC owned the iconic pioneer characters of the genre: Superman and Batman.

    Marvel characters have more of a backstory, one that grounds them on an emotional level. Their characters are more human…and thus, more superhuman.

  4. Ben F says:

    I’m looking forward to the next HellBoy movie, due out on July 11. Tho’ I suppose it just won’t be the same without John Hurt.

  5. The Doctor says:

    It’s good to be Tony
    Stark…nice to see a public identity that’s not all full of brooding or self-pity. And he doesn’t keep a teenage boy in a cave…

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