The photogenic Tig

You know, that last photo makes it look like Tig’s at death’s door.

Not quite. It was a bad angle.

Tig on his carrier

Here he is in his usual spot of late: Lying on the cat carrier, about four feet away from me. The bars are the bottom of my microwave cart. Sometimes he lies on the bottom of that cart which, of course, has been given over to him. When he was healthy, I did not allow him to set foot in the cart. But now’s a different story. And I’d rather have him where I can see him than where I can’t.

When he’s feeling really poorly, he sleeps inside the carrier these days. I take it as a win that he’s been outside it most of today.

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2 Responses to The photogenic Tig

  1. Kim says:

    Such a beautiful baby! He’s so photogenic.

  2. Maggie45 says:

    He sure is a gorgeous boy.

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