It’s time for elephant jokes

I think it is time for my readers to tell me elephant jokes.

I love elephant jokes. I never get tired of them. I can hear the same ones over and over again and still laugh at them.

I could use some laughter in this house these days.

Tig barely ate a thing today. He spent most of the day sleeping in the cat carrier. He likes it a lot since I cleaned it and put a fresh towel in. I think I’m going to look in one day soon and find him sleeping his final sleep.

Busy helps. So do elephant jokes.

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16 Responses to It’s time for elephant jokes

  1. jja says:

    What do elephants use for tampons?


  2. jja says:

    Why do elephants have trunks?

    Sheep don’t have strings.

  3. Jeff says:

    Hey, I am lazy… They are kids jokes of the clean and corny variety.

    For example: What game do elephants like to play most? Squash

    Also, Elephant jokes has its own wikipedia entry.

  4. Michael Lonie says:

    So sorry about Tig.

    Here are some jokes, as bad as I can make them.

    Why do elephants wear sneakers?

    So they can sneak up on you without making any noise.

    How many elephants does it take to change a light bulb?

    None, elephants use only candles.

    How can you tell if there is an elephant in the refrigerator?

    You’ll see his footprints in the cheesecake.

  5. Rahel says:

    Cheesecake? Nah. Elephants prefer chocolate pudding.

  6. Ed Hausman says:

    Right. He stepped in the cheesecake getting over to the chocolate pudding.

  7. How many Palestinian Elephants does it take to change a light bulb?

    None. They just sit in the dark and blame the Jooooz

  8. Lil Mamzer says:

    An elephant sat squarely in the middle of the conference table during a Reuters editors’ meeting, but nobody noticed.

  9. Lil Mamzer says:

    Q: What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants with sunglasses

    A: Nothing. He doesn’t recognize them.
    Q: What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of giraffes in the distance?

    A: “Haha! You fooled me once with those disguises, but not this time!”

  10. Alex Bensky says:

    How do you get down off an elephant?
    You don’t; you get down off a duck.

    Where are elephants found?
    Elephants are so big they are hardly ever lost.

    How does an elephant get ready for a long journey?
    He packs his trunk.

    And although it’s from a different joke lineage, time for a reprise of the classic about the class of students from many countries assigned to write essays about elephants.

    The American student wrote, “Breeding Bigger and Better Elephants.” The German student wrote, “An Introduction to the Bibliography for the Higher Study of the Elephant.” The French student wrote, “The Love Life of the Elephant.” And the Jewish student wrote, “The Elephant and the Jewish Problem.”

  11. Dread Pirate Gryphon says:

    How do you know when you pass an elephant?

    You can’t close the toilet seat.

  12. Harrison says:

    Elephant: A Mouse built to government specifications.

    Why do elephants travel in herds?
    Because if they traveled in flocks it would confuse the sheepdog.

  13. Harrison says:

    This is kinda’ long, so if ya’ wanna’ delete it, that’s okay. It’s an elephant pun anyway, not a joke.

    Once upon a time, bad King John raised a mighty army and set out to conquer the known world. After a series of successful campaigns, the remaining kings realized that their lone efforts would never prevail. They had to band together under the leadership of the best general they had – “George-the-Turk”. George the Turk had promised that he would defeat bad King John’s army and place the King himself on a rack—in a public display—so no one would ever again try to conquer the world.

    So George the Turk assembled his army and ordered his engineers to design and build the largest rack ever made. The rack was fitted with wheels and required 40 horses to pull it. When all was ready, George the Turk set out to do battle.

    George the Turk knew that his army must attack quickly before Bad King John could prepare a defense. But, alas, the 40 horse team pulling the large rack could not keep up with the troops. Then George the Turk remembered that Hannibal was not too far away in the mountains with a herd of elephants so he sent his second-in-command to Hannibal with orders rent enough elephants for the job. Hannibal agreed and also sent along his best elephant handler.

    This elephant handler quickly realized the importance of his unique position and insisted that he be given the title of “elephant engineer” along with a huge pay raise. George the Turk agreed. The rack, powered by elephants and driven by the “elephant engineer,” kept pace with the rapidly moving army.

    Late one night they arrived at the enemy camp by the river. George the Turk deployed his troops and issued the order to attack at dawn – on his command. He also ordered the rack to be positioned on the highest hill overlooking bad King John’s camp.

    At dawn, with the enemy soldiers still sleeping, George the Turk went to the top of the hill beside the rack so all his troops could see him drop his sword, the signal to attack. The first ray of sunlight struck the helmet of George the Turk as he drew his sword, holding it high over his head. Sunlight gleamed off the blade—and scared the elephants hitched to the rack. They trumpeted and reared and the elephant engineer couldn’t control them. The rack broke loose from the team and started rolling down the hill—straight for the enemy camp. The elephant engineer dropped the reins and clung to the rack for dear life.

    Awakened by the noise, bad King John ordered an aide to investigate. The aide took a hard look, came back into the tent to report: “As near as I can tell, sire, it’s a rambling rack from George the Turk with an elephant engineer.”

  14. jja says:

    This one is too long to post as a comment… It’s the Pachydermic Personnel Prediction.

  15. Elisson says:

    Q: What’s red and white on the outside, and grey and white on the inside?

    A: Campbell’s Cream of Elephant Soup.

  16. Stretch says:

    How can you tell if there’s an elephant on your back during an hurricane?
    You can hear his ears flapping in the wind.

    What do you get when you cross an elephant with a jar of peanut butter?
    Either a jar with an excellent memory or an elephant that sticks to the roof of your mouth.

    Why do elephants wear tennies?
    ‘Cause ninies are too small and elevenies are too big.

    How do you keep elephants from charging?
    Take away their credit cards.

    Alternate answers to 15 above; An inside out elephant.

    And the REAL way you can tell if an elephant is in your ‘fridge … the door wont close.

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