But how do you explain …

Boker Tov Boulder notes that Salam Fayyad is hitting some of the right notes in his response to the murder of 2 Israelis on Friday. (BtB also observes that unlike some earlier reports the two murdered Israelis were not “settlers.” Of course even if they were “settlers” they were still people who were murdered for being Jewish.)

Still one time saying the right thing hardly makes Fayyad a moderate or a peace partner. After all, he can’t even countenance the notion of Israel as a Jewish state.

But even if I were to take his condemnation of terror as proof of his reasonableness, I wonder when he’s going to explain this (via memeorandum):

The IDF and Shin Bet uncovered 6.5 tons of potassium nitrate hidden in sacks that were disguised as aid from the European Union, the army announced on Saturday.Security forces discovered the stash in the cargo of a Palestinian truck at a West Bank checkpoint earlier in December. According to the IDF, the material, hidden in sugar sacks, was planned to be used by terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Israel Matzav asks two clarifying questions:

Was the EU in on this? Or did the ‘Palestinians’ somehow do it themselves?

And Elder of Ziyon wonders why no other (serious) media outlet picked this up.

The story is now over six hours old and only a satirical UK site has published it, according to Google News.

According to the IDF this contraband was confiscated in the “West Bank” and was headed for Gaza. So wouldn’t this suggest that Fatah is likely involved in this smuggling – either by abetting Hamas or by turning a blind eye to it?

Meryl observes

You know, those humiliating checkpoints—the ones that are the cause of terrorism against the Israelis—they really don’t do much good, do they? Nah. Catching six and a half tons of a chemical used to make explosives is not worth “humiliating” the poor, poor, pitiful Pals.

(You think that the explosives were only meant for military targets?)

For every time some Palestinian official says the right thing, there are multiple instances where their belligerent actions speak louder.

UPDATE: Hasmonean won’t hold his breath.

I’m waiting for the massive international aid inquiry, the firings & charges against the EU aid workers who are smuggling weapons to terrorists, and the international condemnation..I’ll no doubt be waiting a VERY long time as the EU response was ‘no comment.’

If the record of OLAF is any indication, I have no doubt that he’s correct.

UPDATE II: More links at memeorandum.Crossposted at Soccer Dad.

About Soccerdad

I'm a government bureaucrat with delusions of literacy.
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4 Responses to But how do you explain …

  1. Miodio says:

    Terror is very terrific idea of this world :(

  2. Jeffrey Nihart says:

    Israel is in a rocket and suicide bomb war that would not be tolerated anywhere else on the planet.
    As the rockets and the suicide bombs have such short range; by stopping the flow of the basic chemicals from their borders, Israel would stop the attacks.


    Where else would any guv’ment; allow its civilians to be targeted by such cowardice behavior?
    No-where, no-how, not-ever.

    And how can any sane person believe; by allowing these attacks to continue, to be moral behavior?

    Twisting logic into pretzels, to condone these attacks is nothing more than pure evil.
    Hell has indeed, frozen over.


  3. Yankev says:

    Reuters (and Yahoo citing Reuters) stresses that Israel “claims” to have found potassium nitrate in the sacks labeled as sugar from the EU. And Yahoo adds that potassium nitrate has legitimate use as fertilizer.

  4. soccer dad says:

    In one of the reports I saw, an Israeli official said that potassium nitrate is prohibited in PA controlled areas due to its “dual use” nature.

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