Make a wish

Gracie the KittypunditYou know what I’d like to see? Some day, when some terrorist crapbag asks Israel for a “mutual cease-fire” because he’s afraid the IDF is going to come into Gaza and go all medieval on his ass, I’d like to hear the Israeli representative say something like, “You want a cease fire? Kiss my big, fat Jewish ass.”

No cease-fire for terrorists. Good policy.

I’d love to see that one go across the wires.

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3 Responses to Make a wish

  1. Gary Rosen says:

    Oooh, politically incorrect cat! What a disgrace, Meryl! Where’s your humanity, I mean felinity, I mean, oh forget it …

  2. Maggie45 says:

    Gracie, you’re a Gal after me own heart.
    (Big Grin)

  3. Rahel says:

    Gracie, you cats have a lot of good horse sense. I wish we humans had half as much.

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