Lair Simon’s newest thing

Oh, so this is what Lair’s doing in his spare time. He’s not blogging much, but he’s calling Nardo and leaving instructions. (Language warning: Don’t play these at work without an earpiece.)

Click on the speaker to listen to them on the same page. I recommend Utter Crap #1, #2, and #3.

Of course, if you don’t like Lair Simon’s humor, you won’t like these. But he’s always been a favorite of mine.

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5 Responses to Lair Simon’s newest thing

  1. I prefer to say “If you don’t like Lair Simon’s humor, neither does he.”

    Honestly, I don’t give a shit what people think.

    Well, until entire countries consider issuing fatwahs against me. Then I find the other stuff I do a lot more interesting for a while.

  2. Yes, but I’ve always been pretty up-front about what I think about you. That’s one of the reasons we’re friends.

    Plus, there are monkey magnets on my fridge. I think bribes help.

  3. I just connect people through my various memes, the bandwagons filling up with crazy fanfic followers who keep the moment going, and then get the hell out of the way as the wagon heads over the cliff.

    Preeeeeeeetty. THUD.

  4. Robert says:

    Fatwa’s man…see thats where all the fun is! :)

  5. Rahel says:

    I like anything that has to do with Nardo. And Frisky. And Tig. And Gracie.

    (Hmmm… that sounds like it would make a good movie title.)

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