Other people’s posts

Sarah is teaching her children to be warmongers and monsters. I think there’s a little sexism thrown in, too, as it’s obvious she could have talked her daughter into a soldier costume as well. Ask any RadFem. No, wait, they’d be horrified at the militarization of our American youth, and go into a long, windy lecture on the anti-animal rights attitude reflected by Rebecca’s choice of a [mythical] animal for Halloween.

This is a new kid on the block. I haven’t read more than a couple of posts, but hey, this blogosphere is big enough for all sixty gazillion of us regardless of whether or not someone writes things I agree with. Okay. He’s out sick today. Scroll down and see if you like the content.

This is the guy who shared the BBC World Have Your Say program with me. He has a website, and ohmigod, is it really orange? Dude! Black type on white background is there for a reason. OUR EYESIGHT. My eyes! My eyes! I think I’m blind! (I’m going to email him a link to my rant about reverse type on the web.)

This post is a freebie, folks. Plug your own blog in the comments and tell people what you’ve been writing about.

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6 Responses to Other people’s posts

  1. Mike@ says:

    Thanks for the freebie Meryl !

    Well, my blog is a group effort by four Argentinian guys, and i’m currently the rookie (and the sole member of the tribe). It’s in Spanish… but check it out anyway… there are pictures :-)

    Lately I’ve been writing about my Second Life experiences, and also commenting on several “progressive” rock lyrics (like the recent Middle East moral equivalence exercise by Tom Waits, “Road to Peace”).

    We go around some questions a lot… why some countries succeed and others fail ? Why the morons of the world insist on blaming the USA for their own shortcomings ? Is Latin America doomed to go again down the road of “socialismo” ? What’s the best way to have fun with anonymous moronic commenters ?

    There’s also humor, cooking, music, economy, our favorite videos… so go there already !

    (ask for Mike)

  2. Yep. I checked and it IS orange. Well, at least it is black font on light background, although this light color is kinda poisonous.

    I have issued another call for black on light today, quoting that post on reverse type. Nah, it would not help, some people just wouldn’t listen…

  3. Mine is fairly random – I write about whatever interests me at the time. Tech news, commentary on the rest of the news, and anything else I decide I want to share with the world.

    It doesn’t update as frequently as I’d like, due to my hectic real-world schedule, but you may find it interesting enough to add it to your RSS reader.

    Shamino’s Page

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    It doesn’t have to be black on white as I find it easier to read cyan on black when I am programming. However, black on off-white would, IMHO, be better. In any case when the background glares (as with the orange or some whites) it doesn’t matter what the text color is. It is still difficult to read.

    The mistake that many people make with a dark background and a bright text (like white on black) is that they make the text so bright that it actually fuzzes. That is why my personal setup uses cyan on black.

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    Black on white is reliable. Everybody can read it. I find that the oh-so-clever color combinations some people use are unreadable. I am not inclined to return to a blog where I cannot read the text.

  6. Rahel says:


    Thanks for the freeby. They’re always appreciated. I’ll second David’s description of his blog above, namely that I write about whatever interests me, anything from tech to Torah. Regarding people who use funky colors on their blogs/web sites, they should all be forced to use Microsoft Narrator to do whatever they need to do on their PC’s, and they should have their mice confiscated, never to be returned. That’ll teach them. Funky colors do things to even the best of screen readers, which generally makes life frustrating for those of us forced to use them. BTW, the link for the blog is here.

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