Yes, I failed logic class. Why do you ask?

I think I’ve hit upon something that nobody else has realized about the British terror attacks. Look at what so many of the conspirators have in common:

Terror suspects all linked to NHS
Eight people arrested in connection with failed car bombings in Glasgow and London all have links with the National Health Service, the BBC has learned.

Seven are believed to be doctors or medical students, while one formerly worked as a laboratory technician.

You see? That’s why socialized medicine is bad for a country. It encourages terrorists! It creates terror networks! It’s obvious the Brits can’t get enough homegrown doctors because they’re all fleeing to countries that pay their doctors more, so it leaves a gap—to be filled by terrorists!

If Hillary brings socialized medicine to the U.S., the terrorists will have won!

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3 Responses to Yes, I failed logic class. Why do you ask?

  1. I can’t fault your logic Meryl. Every doctor I’ve ever seen on the NHS terrorised me.

  2. Hugh says:

    Your logic is superb. However, as a Canadian, I can honestly say that I’ve never received less than excellent medical care, both prior to, and after, the creation of the Ontario hospital insurance plan.

    The only time I had to wait for diagnostic tests occurred when I refused to agree to be admitted to a hospital overnight. I wanted to go home. I waited 3 months, but I was told that, had I agreed to be admitted, I’d have had the tests that night.

    Whenever I meet a new (non-Jewish) doctor, I munch on a ham sandwich while talking to him, so as to weed out the ones who are potential terrorists. :-P

  3. Harry says:

    I have to go along with Hugh also. I have been in emergency twice in the last few months. The response wast fast and efficient, treatment effective.
    It is a mistake to call the Cnadian sysem free. It is funded through taxes and proves to be a very efficient system with less overhead than the American. No one is bankrupted because of hospital costs. The doctor prescribes treatment, not some exec from the HMO.

    Every citizen is covered, employed or not.

    It may be not perfect, but it is dammed good.

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