If I call John Smeaton British, will the Scots get angry?

If you haven’t seen or heard of John Smeaton, you’re missing an amazing cult hero being born. He’s the baggage handler who helped subdue one of the terrorists as he fought the policeman to get near the passengers and complete his mission. He’s already a YouTube hero because Glaswegians can understand him, but the rest of us have almost no idea what he’s saying. I tried to transcribe him, but couldn’t get it all, and then got bored and gave up.

But there’s a very funny site up, with one person’s hunt for Smeaton, and the promise of 1,000 pints to the homegrown hero. It made me think of several things.

First, my great-grandfather escaped from Latvia to Berlin after going underground for several years to avoid being impressed into the Czar’s army. When he got to Berlin, he took a look around and decided he didn’t like Germany. There was something about it. So he went to Scotland—Glasgow, in fact. My grandfather was born there. But when the U.K. entered WWI on the same side as Russia, my great-grandfather decided he couldn’t stay in a country that would work with an evil nation, so he brought his family to America. So if it wasn’t for that little incident, I’d be speaking Glaswegian today meself. My grandfather had one remnant of a Scots accent. He’d say “Och!” whenever he was annoyed. And I think he was more Scots than he realized. When I was a teenager, I asked him why he didn’t have a Scottish accent. It would have been “neat,” I told him. “What good would it have done me?” he asked scornfully.

Yup. Still a bit of the Scots in him.

And the other thing I was thinking: Remember those British sailors who folded so quickly at the horror of their Iranian treatment? It seems that not all Brits are that far gone. Those of you insisting that we’re seeing the end of Britain need to take another look. I have maintained all along that reports of Europe’s death are greatly exaggerated. John Smeaton is a grand example that I’m right.

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7 Responses to If I call John Smeaton British, will the Scots get angry?

  1. Hugh says:

    Lots of Scots really hate the English.

    Not all the RN and Royal Marines personnel sucked up to the Iranians. If you examine the group propaganda pictures, you’ll notice that several of them indicated their contempt for their captors, as I recall.

  2. Mr Mclaren says:

    I am Scottish, and i must say just how horrified i was to learn that John Smeaton has been on televisions all over the world. I just cringed listening to his Glasgow accent and hearing him talk about throwing deoderant cans in bon fires. I feel so embarrassed for Scotland now, this guy who carries him self like a NED has now represented our country in a pathetic attempt to attack the airport.

    Just to let the rest of the world know, that guy is from Glasgow and only people from Glasgow have accents that horrible. The rest of us have quite clear and understandable accents. I can not describe the shame i am feeling lol

    Im soooo embarrassed by this guy.

  3. Argyll says:

    Why were you embarrassed by a guy telling his story (very well) in his own accent? It seems to me that the rest of the world was very impressed by John Smeaton’s bravery and his refusal to run in the face of a potentially horrific attack.
    Cringe away Mr McLaren, youre the one with the problem.

  4. Archie says:

    Hoi McLaren,

    if you are embarrassed by a HERO because he doesn’t share your middle class habits then i am embarrassed by you!
    People are defined by their character not by their table manners. Smeaton is half Scottish and half English so he is by definition, British and thank god that people like him still exist! I am ashamed to say that i would be running away from that situation if i found myself in it and i suspect that you might do so as well.

  5. Archie says:

    And another thing while i am on my high horse.
    Whoever wrote that headline “will the Scots be angry to be called British” is an idiot.
    Only republicans would be annoyed and they live in the land of Brigadoon, Braveheart, shortbread and kilts. i.e. in 1550ad. In other words, in a fictional highland past that never existed. I am Scottish and i am proud to be British so let’s stop sh*t stirring and realise what we have in common rather than focus on petty differences?
    Smeato Smeato Smeato!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. That would be me, Archie.

    The owner of this weblog.

    The one who approves or deletes comments, especially ones that insult others in my comments section.

    You didn’t even read my post, did you?

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