Haveil Havalim is up

And there are so many places to look, I barely know where to tell you to go.

This one is on the New York Times being awarded the Self-Hating Jew Lifetime Achievement Award, and you have to see the award to believe it. Funny and disgusting at the same time.

Jews of the Caribbean—but not pirates.

Why Apartheid doesn’t fit the Israel model.

Funny. Very funny.

CAIR makes more incursions into the Democratic party.

Okay. I will link again to Yid With Lid, especially because I like the title of that post, but then I’m going to link to my rant about reverse type. Substitute crappy color schemes and you get my drift. That’s me, still working to save the eyes of the middle-aged blogosphere.

Benjamin Kerstein has no sympathy for poor, oppressed billionaires. Shame on you, Ben!

Don’t buy Whole Foods or Peet’s Coffee. JoshuaPundit tells you why. (Hint: Terror-supporting compinkosymps.)

I was going to write about thousands of Arabs surrounding a few dozen Jews on Independence Day. Now I don’t have to.

YouTube shuts down a pro-Israel videoblogger. Color me unsurprised.

All right. Now those links are ALL from this edition of Haveil Havalim. Go look at the rest of the links, and click on them. That’s what they’re there for.

Do I have to do everything for you?

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14 Responses to Haveil Havalim is up

  1. TMA says:

    Oh, shoot! not Peets! Darn! I’m going to miss their coffee a lot.

  2. sammy says:

    Thanks Meryl
    I think I am going to make it a series..any suggestion on the next recipent?

  3. Jack says:

    Hey now, there were pirates included in this edition.

  4. soccer dad says:

    And what about you butting heads with Andrew Sullivan 5 years ago! Are you impressed I remembered that?

  5. Sammy, well, Chomsky leaps immediately to mind. But don’t count on too many more links… I can’t read your site without getting a headache. Really. Read my rant about good web design. I’m talking from a publishing aspect, both print and online, of which I have had a loooong career.

    Jack, yes, but they’re going to have to click on the link to find out about Jewish pirates.

    Soccer Dad: Yes, and thankfully, it wasn’t a link to an embarrassing post. He never responded to that one. But he did respond to the next one, where I told him he didn’t get the blogosphere. Probably because Glenn linked it.

    I have at least one reader who’s been around longer than you. Larry G., who emailed me back when I still lived in NJ and was talking about moving to Richmond. He’s been around since Iseema Bin Laden. I wonder who’s been around since the beginning, though… my initial readership was in the dozens.

    Per week.

  6. Jack says:


    You certainly are one of the doyennes of the blogosphere. Here is to many more years.

    You are one my daily reads.

  7. Gary Rosen says:

    Pinch Sulzberger, the publisher of the NYT, was raised an Episcopalian and loudly rejects his Jewish heritage – a good thing for us, I think. I actually went to high school with the guy and believe me if he hadn’t inherited his job he wouldn’t have gotten as far in journalism as Jimmy Olsen. Small wonder the Times is heading straight down the tubes.

  8. Paul says:

    Shalom Meryl!! :)

  9. Jack, y’know, I’m never sure if I should take “doyenne” as a compliment. It does seem to have the secondary meaing of “old lady.” And it’s so–so NYTimes.

    At least you all have stopped trying to call me “grande dame.”

    First one to call me “old broad” will be hunted down and strangled.

  10. soccer dad says:

    The reason I remembered that post is because I was also at the rally. Wolfowitz’s comments seemed rather tin-eared given the nature of the rally. I thought that you had a rather good point.

    And of course, as you know, you’re one of my inspirations. You, that obscure law professor from Knoxville and the graphic designer from Culver City.

  11. Jack says:

    First one to call me “old broad” will be hunted down and strangled.

    Just to be clear, is it being called old or a broad that you find offensive.

    A man’s got to know where the lines are. ;)

  12. Hunted. Down. And. Strangled.

  13. Jack says:

    Ok. We’ll remember to refer to you as the lovely and insightful Meryl Yourish who possesses a broad knowledge of things both old and new.

  14. TMA says:

    phooey, I didn’t even last a week before breaking down and buying coffee at peets… But I’m at least buying LESS peets (fewer peets?), I’ll pass on them in favor of any other nearby coffeeshop. Besides, I imagine most coffeeshops this side of Contra Coffee (contracafe.com) are probably supporting similar causes.

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