The war against Jews

Let’s start calling it what it is: A war is being fought against Jews, and it is carried out mostly by Muslims. As a result of this war, worldwide attacks on Jews are up sharply.

It’s such big news, Ha’aretz has two separate stories on the subject. Let’s begin the count of world media that has these facts. So far, well, um…. The Corner is quoting the Ha’aretz story. Monsters and Critics (a site I loathe, actually, as it generally carries nothing but anti-Israel news) has the UPI story. Nothing on AP or Reuters yet.

But remember, it isn’t anti-Semitism, it’s anti-Zionism. It’s only natural that someone would attack Jews in Toronto in order to show their distress about the war in Lebanon. And it’s simple reflex to attack Jewish schoolchildren in France to protest the plight of the Palestinians. You have to understand: It’s not anti-Semitism. If only Israel weren’t, well, so damned Jewish. And guess who’s doing the bulk of the attacks? That’s right, it’s your friends and mine, the tolerant Muslim communities of the world, who have managed to double physical attacks against Jews in one short year.

The number of physical attacks on Jews worldwide last year was more than double those that occured in 2005, according to an annual report released yesterday by Tel Aviv University’s Stephen Roth Institute for the Study of Contemporary Anti-Semitism and Racism.

The 270 assaults recorded took place primarily in schools, in the work place and near Jewish institutions, according to the report, which classifies the rise as “perhaps the most alarming finding that emerges from the 2006 data.” Compiled in coordination with the World Jewish Congress and released to the public on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, the report states that crime-scene evidence indicates that Muslims constitute a disproportionately high amount of the perpetrators.

So, where are the bulk of the attacks happening? Western Europe. Where are the bulk of the world’s Jews outside Israel? North America. In other words, attacks are up more in places where there are fewer Jews. What do they have that we don’t have? A police force that will not protect Jews, and a large Muslim minority. It adds up to the same-old, same-old lie: That Islamophobia is on the rise, not anti-Semitism. Right?


The breakdown of anti-Semitic incidents worldwide is heavily tilted toward Western Europe, which witnessed 54% of them, followed by North America – whose Jewish population is over five times the size of Western Europe’s – with just 17% and the former Soviet Union with 13%.

Britain, with 136 “major violent incidents,” saw a 20-year high in 2006. France, with 97 such incidents, witnessed a 45% increase and the French-speaking regions of Canada saw a doubling of violent attacks over a year earlier.

Asked if the high numbers of attacks in France, Britain and the FSU weren’t simply due to the relatively large Jewish communities there, Stauber said the attacks had increased over the years in each country, and that attacks now tended to target people rather than Jewish buildings or graves.

One of the attacks in France was Ilan Halimi. Remember him? The Jewish man who was kidnapped, tortured, and killed—by Muslim “youths”—because he was a Jew.

Attacks on children are up as well.

In 2006, incidents of harassment at schools and Jewish community centers also doubled from 2005. The number of synagogues desecrated also rose by a third.

And it is still going on today. Remember that story from a week or so ago about a Montreal Jewish center being firebombed? Guess who were the perpetrators? That’s right, it starts with “M” and ends with “uslims.”

Two Montreal men have been accused of a raft of attacks against the city’s Jewish community, including the firebombing of a Snowdon community centre that police are treating as a hate-related crime.

Omar Bulphred, 21, and Azim Ibragimov, 23, appeared briefly in Quebec Court on Friday to be arraigned on charges stemming from incidents that began last fall. Both were denied bail.

They were busy little Jew-hating freaks.

They also face charges of possession of an explosive in connection with the Sept. 2 firebombing of Skver-Toldos Orthodox Jewish Boys School in Outremont.

Each faces one count of damage to property by fire or explosion after a car parked on de l’Authion Ave. in the city’s Mercier district was firebombed Sept. 12.

As well, the two are alleged to have uttered death threats against a member of the Jewish community, and to have threatened to burn, destroy or damage property belonging to the Jewish community.

The most recent attack occurred on April 3, the first day of Passover, when a firebomb exploded at the YM-YWHA Ben Weider Jewish Community Centre, also known as the Snowdon Y.

There were several attacks on Jews on the first days of Passover this year. But again, let’s remember not to jump to hasty conclusions. It’s obvious that putting “Death to Israel” graffiti in Arabic and English on a synagogue is legitmate criticism of Israel.

At least, that’s what some would try to tell us. I have a two word response to them. I’m sure you can figure out what that is.

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4 Responses to The war against Jews

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    A police force that will protect Jews, and a large Muslim minority

    You have a typo here. From context, it should read

    A police force that will not protect Jews, and a large Muslim minority that regards itself as untouchable

  2. Cynic says:

    “But remember, it isn’t anti-Semitism, it’s anti-Zionism.”

    Must be why they bombed the Jewish Community Centre in Buenos Aires in the early 1990s.

    And to prove that it is not anti-semitism, a Jew, the South African Jew Ronnie Kasrils, the Jew Minister of Intelligence was in Teheran a week ago to laud Iran’s nuclear machinations:

    “Minister Kasrils often writes about how his ‘Jewish’ conscience obligates him to speak out against Israel. But where is his ‘Jewish’ conscience when it comes to the Islamic Republic of Iran? How could any self respecting Jew (no matter what his position on Israel) call for the strengthening of ties with a nation that is today at the forefront of Holocaust denial? In fact he seems to relish his role as South Africa’s de facto minister of totalitarian affairs.”

    Of course it’s anti-Zionist that’s why South African Jews are feeling the brunt

    “South African Minister of Intelligence and arch anti-Zionist Ronnie Kasrils is once again using his influential government position to bully the South African Jewish community and spread his anti-Israel hatred.”

    Red Ronnie as he is known only admits the accident of his birth to apply the techniques of disinformation he learned so well under the tutelage of the KGB.

  3. Fixed. Except for the untouchable part, that’s your addition. Not that I disagree, just that I didn’t write it.

  4. Zee says:

    Regarding the attacks in Montreal, CCAIR (the canadian branch of CAIR)”expressed dismay the accused are Muslims”
    It woud be even more shocking if they weren’t.

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