Site announcement

Folks, I am switching hosts this week, and comments created here after 6 a.m. Monday morning won’t be transferred over to the new site. Some comments may disappear. Something about the DNS settling and all that.

More information later, and there will be a reminder posted Monday morning.

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4 Responses to Site announcement

  1. You can avoid problems like DNS settling time if before making the change you have them set the “TTL” (Time to Live) time or the “Expires” time in your DNS entry to a very small number, like one hour or less, and do that several days before you make the change. It will mean more traffic on the domain name server for a few days, and once you move to the new host you can set the TTL (or Expires) time to a more normal value.

  2. I fully realize that that comment may go completely over your head, but show it to the technical guy at your host and I bet he will understand it.

  3. You’re assuming I have that much power over the DNS changeover. I do not. I use the big hosting sites that don’t allow you to mess with their stuff beyond FTP’ing your files and maybe messing with things like scripts and the .htaccess.

    I’ve been unhappy with Hosting Matters for a while. I’m going Blue. Bluehost. Lots of WordPress blogs over there, and no snippy techs who stop speaking to you because, well, I really don’t know why she stopped. She just did.

    Anyway. Moving on.

  4. You might at least ask the techs at Bluehost what their position would be to letting you make a request to change the TTL value in your DNS entry, and if they say they would (and as the receiving host they have an incentive to do it), then ask Hosting Matters to do it, and if they refuse, after Bluehost said they would, tell them you will spread the word in the blogosphere to avoid Hosting Matters

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