The perfect Gracie picture

Every so often, Gracie decides to prove that she is the more photogenic of the two.

If I had the bandwidth, I’d put up the original. Tig is in the far background. But this—this is perfection.

Gracie looking utterly perfect

You can see the spot on her tail where she’s licking herself bare. It’s extremely funny when she gets frightened now, because every part of her tail puffs up but those few inches.

She is wearing the expression she gives me, well, every day. It’s one of the reasons I call her Sweetness.

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5 Responses to The perfect Gracie picture

  1. Norm says:

    Absolute beauty, I feel I can face the day and there is hope for the world.
    Thank you, Meryl and Gracie

  2. Yeah, she does make you smile, doesn’t she?

  3. Rahel says:

    Oh, yes, she definitely does, as does Tig.

  4. Erin says:

    Cute!! I found your blog because I was looking for Laxatone reviews, believe it or not. While I know I need to give it more than two tries, I’m glad that my cat isn’t the only one who didn’t respond immediately to it. :) Great site btw, I’ll definitely be back!

  5. Janet says:

    She is beeeyoutiful. I cannot wait to meet her in person.

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