The real religions of peace

Yesterday, 63 people were murdered in Iraq by Muslim “insurgents”.
Yesterday, 7 people were murdered in Thailand by Muslim terrorists.

Yesterday, no people were murdered by Jewish terrorists.
Yesterday, no people were murdered by Christian terrorists.

Someone’s got the labels mixed up.

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3 Responses to The real religions of peace

  1. Tatterdemalian says:

    Unfortunately, those facts do not fit in with the postmodernist narrative, that all religions are completely identical in every way.

  2. There is a difference between being a faith that holds peace as a (not THE) spiritual value, and being a faith ‘of peace’. The history of both Judaism and Christianity bears this out. Someone should have worked that out before the “but Islam is a religion of PEACE” routine was allowed to get started. But I don’t think anyone was thinking that clearly at the time.

    That said, I think Jainism gets my vote for ‘Religion of Peace’. It doesn’t get much more peaceful than Jain.

  3. You’ve got a point there. Jains sweep the ground in front of them as they walk, for fear of stepping on any bugs.

    Now THAT’s peaceful.

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