Shire Network News, she is up

And she is great.

This week’s podcast: I scored an exclusive interview with Ayman Al-Zawahiri, Al Qaeda’s number two. You have to hear it to believe it. I asked him to tell me why Muslims are so batshit crazy about Jews. I believe the answer was “Zionist Death Rays.”

Lair Simon is back, and better than ever. The rest did him good.

It’s a full house, with Damian Penny chiming in on Loose Change (Oh, the stupidity!).

The feature interview: Lieutenant Colonel Gordon Cucullu, former US Special Forces Green Beret, discussing Guantanamo and other current military issues (such as the nuke that will go off in the U.S. if we lose the war in Iraq).

My interview with Zawahiri carries a spit-monitor warning. Don’t say I didn’t tell you.

UPDATE: I went back and listened to the last few weeks of SNN, and I have to tell you, we are smokin’. It is really, really good. If you’re not listening, you are missing out on an excellent source of analysis, humor, and a wry look at the world and the blogs. I am not saying this because I’m a contributor. I’m saying this because we have hit our stride. Lair’s return made this week’s episode simply perfect.

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One Response to Shire Network News, she is up

  1. (Heh… Nardo’s meows made it in… and after that you can hear me leaning down to pet him.)

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