Why the checkpoints are crucial

Next time you read about the “humiliation” of checkpoints to the palestinians, remember this:

IDF soldiers found 800 grams of explosive materials and three combat vests inside of a Palestinian vehicle in the course of routine inspections at a checkpoint between Nablus and Tulkarm Monday night, the army said.

Four bottles that held the explosives were destroyed by sappers in a controlled detonation, the army said. The four Palestinians traveling in the vehicle were handed over to the Israel Security Services for questioning.

Hm. “Humiliation” vs. the free transport of arms and armor to murder Israelis. That’s a tough choice, but I think I can make it.

“Humiliate” the suckers. Every time.

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2 Responses to Why the checkpoints are crucial

  1. Eric J says:

    That’s 1.76 lbs. of explosives. I wonder how much the bakery bomb used.

  2. TAF says:

    Finish the wall, then close the checkpoints permanently.

    No more humiliation.

    Seems pretty straight forward to me.

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