
You have to read Lair Simon’s post “Heeb on the Hajj: Day 2.” It is one of the funniest posts you will ever read. It’s also a good example of why he gets death threats.

Bagel Blogger hosts Haveil Havalim 100, and has an incredibly funny Photoshop of the NY Times Saddam Hussein execution front page story.

Janet C. sent me a link to this NY Times article, which profiles how the Israeli economy has improved since the palestinians started their latest “intifada,” while their economy has nosedive. Hm. Let’s think of a reason. Think, think, think. Wait a minute—could it be because Israelis don’t sit around and whine endlessly of victimization while taking UN handouts and screaming that the whole world ignores them? Or could it be a more religiously significant reason? Actually, I think it’s a bit of both.

81% of Americans believe Israel is an ally or “friendly” (42% and 39%, respectively)to the U.S. Unfortunately, the same poll says 18% of Americans think Saudi Arabia is an ally, and another 40% think it’s “friendly” to us. Then again, perhaps the Saudis need to sink millions of dollars into a publicity firm to help us think better of them. Oh. Wait. Been there, done that, didn’t work. Time for a little Nelson wav.

John C. sent in a link to this Brigitte Gabriel speech sponsored by the Heritage Foundation. You can find it in bits and pieces in YouTube, or you can watch the whole speech at the first link. One of the things the speech inspired me to do was read up on Lebanon’s history in Wikipedia. Chomsky and Fisk are among the authors quoted for this piece.

This is why it is so important to start taking back the Middle East studies departments of major universities. They are setting the tone that will be followed for the next generation, and right now, Israel is the demon of all things Middle East, according to the Fisks and Chomskys of the world. But that’s a story for another post.

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2 Responses to Must-reads

  1. Death threats just mean that the first raghead who shrieks Allahu Ackbhar in my face gets a faceload of bullets.

    Moses always said “Carry a spare clip.”

  2. cond0010 says:

    Thanks Meryl. This Wiki entry is very similiar to its ‘History of Islam’, where it slants things in favor of Islam and plays on various historical stereotypes to cover the fact the it is more proof of Muslim agression and Jihad (Ex- Islam was tolerant of other religions – absolute lie)

    Sure there were atrocities made on all sides. But the desperate Christian civilians were living in an over-run country and where the enemy was amongst them and the rules were close to anarchy. That is what happens when the rule of law breaks down.

    I pity the country that reaches the critical density of Muslim population where they go to the next stage of Jihad. What is the critical density for them to go to the next stage? it all depends on the country, I suppose…

    Like Kashmir. Like East Timor in the 70’s through 90’s. Like Southern Thailand.

    Egypt and Indonesia are further down the line to assimilation and eradication so they wouldn’t fit in this example but they are significant.

    If you really want to see what is in store for the world if there is complete dominance by Islam, look at Saudi Arabia.

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