World media helps Iran spread its anti-Semitic message

Once again, the world media is passing along Iran’s message of Jew-hatred to the world. The anti-Semites of the world are currently in ecstasy seeing a so-called “scientific” process—that doesn’t seem to include any evidence that is already in existence—about whether or not the Holocaust happened.

Iran, whose president has described the Holocaust as a “myth,” said Tuesday it will hold a conference to discuss the evidence of the World War II genocide.

The two-day conference scheduled for next week was initiated by hard-line President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Deputy Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mohammadi said.

“The president simply asked whether an event called the Holocaust has actually taken place … No rational response was ever given to Ahmadinejad’s questions,” Mohammadi said, explaining the reason for the conference.

The conference is yet another step in Ahmadinejad’s public campaign against Israel. He has called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.”

The Guardian goes even farther than the AP and delves more deeply into the bogus conference:

Participants will consider documentary, pictorial, physical and demographic evidence in what Iranian officials depict as an academic investigation to establish the Holocaust’s authenticity and whether the reported number of victims was exaggerated. Organisers say it will include submissions for and against. It will also focus on the plight of the Palestinians.

The conference will have six panel discussions and an open forum. It will discuss the capacity of Nazi death camps and the impact of the second world war on other national and ethnic groups. Iranian officials say Jewish suffering is played up at the expense of other victims. Manouchehr Mohammadi, the foreign ministry’s research and education officer, said the conference was intended as a platform for open discussion of the Holocaust, which Iran claims is denied in the west.

“Our aim is to scientifically study the Holocaust and listen to both sides before reaching a conclusion,” Mr Mohammadi said. “This issue has a crucial role regarding the west’s policies towards the countries of the Middle East, especially the Palestinians. Iran isn’t against or for. We weren’t involved in this event so we can be a neutral judge. It is important for us to know the answer so that we can process our stances to issues in this region. If we conclude that the Holocaust happened, we will admit it but we are still going to ask why Palestinians have to pay.” He said it would not be a forum for anti-semites or neo-Nazis, and rabbis would attend. “Our policy doesn’t mean we want to defend the crimes of Hitler.”

Yeah, that’s the ticket: A scientific forum about the Holocaust that focuses on the plight of the palestinians. Yep. That won’t be an excuse for Israel-bashing at all.

Tell me, why is this so important that the AP seems to think it’s worth covering? It’s crap. The conference is crap. It’s naked Jew-hatred. It is helping to spread Iranian anti-Semitism farther than it would be able to go if the world stopped listening to the raving lunatic who is currently in Iran’s presidency.

David Duke and Pat Buchanan couldn’t be happier about stories like these. And the news media plays right into Ahmadinejad’s hands, giving him far more publicity than these disgusting shows of Jew-hatred deserve.

I am SO glad I changed my mind about going into journalism as a career.

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3 Responses to World media helps Iran spread its anti-Semitic message

  1. Paul says:

    Isn’t it laughable that the biggest anti-Semites in the world are hosting a Symposium to determine whether the Holacaust happened or not ?

  2. Next weekend, I am hosting a symposium on whether or not carnivorous invisible unicorns from outer space exist. I plan to carefully listen to both sides until I reach a conclusion.

  3. Bookmistress, clearly you have never truly understood the role of the cat in the world.

    It is to destroy the young of those unicorns, which is why kittens and cats often attack things that we can’t see. Kittens do the bulk of the work, as older eyes can’t see the invisible unicorns nearly as well as younger eyes.

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