It’s official: Israel’s politicians are blind, deaf, and dumb

You’ve all heard the phrase, right? “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.”

Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil

Israel’s leaders are living it.

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said that she detected “signs of change” in the attitude of the Hamas-led Palestinian leadership thanks to pressure from foreign powers.

“Almost a year after the arrival of Hamas, we are starting to see signs of change, attributable in part to pressure from the international community,” Livni told reporters at the start of a two-day visit to Paris.

Livni urged the international community to remain “firm” in order to “reinforce” Mahmud Abbas, the moderate president of the Palestinian Authority.

Let’s see what kind of change in behavior we can see.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh held talks in Doha, Qatar on Friday.

The Islamic Republic News Agency reported Saturday Ahmadinejad saying, “As everybody knows, the Zionist regime was created to establish dominion of arrogant states over the region and to enable the enemy to penetrate the heart Muslim land.”

Saying the Israeli regime was inherently a “threat,” and was “on the verge of disappearing”
Haniyeh praised the support of the Iranian government and nation for the cause of the Palestinian nation. “The Iranian nation’s brilliant stand in the rightful battles of the Palestinians encourages them and signifies their deep understanding of Islamic principles,” Iran’s official state-run news agency reported.

“The Intifada (uprising) of the Palestinian nation will continue until the cause of the Palestinians is materialized and Al-Quds Al-Sharif (Jerusalem) is liberated,” added Haniyeh.

And oh yeah—that was from a news article three days ago—in the Jerusalem Post.

Olmert wants to offer the palestinians a state, even as rockets continue to rain down on Sderot, on the insistence that palestinians want to live in peace with Israel. Peretz did everything he could to sabotage the war in Lebanon, which wasn’t hard, as the man is as unqualified to be Minister of Defense as I am to be the president’s Press Secretary.

Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil. That appears to be the policy of the Israeli leadership when it comes to her enemies these days.

There is something very, very wrong with the world right now.

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3 Responses to It’s official: Israel’s politicians are blind, deaf, and dumb

  1. cond0010 says:

    Just a side note here… those 3 monkeys… look at their feet. They look just like hands!

    Wow… maybe Scott Adams was on to something with Zimbu The Monkey as an office worker. Just think of all the typing he could do…

  2. Sabba Hillel says:

    I heard an insult but I am unsure who was being insulted. Ehud Olmert was compared to Hillary Clinton. Which one was being insulted?

  3. cond0010 says:

    Hmmmm…. decisions, decisions, Sabba…

    Does it have to be either or?

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