Gracie Update 18: Hangin’ by the food dish

When I got home from synagogue tonight, Gracie was by the food dishes, rubbing against the wall, and asking for something more interesting than dry food. So she got some of her tuna-flavored Fancy Feast, and I got a great big grin on my face to see her out of my laundry basket and down where she’s supposed to be. The Prednisone works fast!

I also have some kind of antibiotic that will attack the bacteria in her intestines. It’s topical. I have to rub it into the hairless part of her ears. Oh, that’s going to be fun. Twice a day. Pill plus ear-goop.

I’ve been putting off the ear-goop until bedtime. Damn. It’s nearly bedtime.

Y’know, I think I got some of the real tunafish in my system. My stomach’s been bothering me since last night, and that’s when she got tuna. I think I may have gotten some on my fingers and neglected to wash my hands before preparing my own dinner. Yeah, I may be that sensitive to fish. The last time I ate fish at all, I tried a one-inch square bite of freshwater trout. I had forgotten I was allergic to fish, as it was kind of a new diagnosis at that time, and by the time I remembered, I’d already swallowed the little bite. Four hours later, I was heaving my guts up.

I have latex gloves for the ear-goop. Maybe I should wear them when doling out the tuna.

Oh, right—funny story from this morning. About 5:45 a.m., Tig was yowling. I thought he was yowling for my attention, so, since I wasn’t quite awake, I patted the bed and called his name to get him to shut up and come to bed to be petted. He kept yowling, and yowling, and yowling. Turns out he was standing next to the laundry basket, yowling at Gracie to get out and go down to breakfast with him. He didn’t stop until she got out of the basket and started walking out the door with him. That’s when I finally woke up, because I thought he was picking on her, so I leaped out of bed, scared him down the stairs, and Gracie decided to just wander into the guest room and then go back to bed. Which is what I did.

I think the vet smell is no longer a problem.

They do that to each other, actually. If Tig’s hungry and wants company, he’ll mrowr at Gracie until she goes with him. She’ll eat a tiny bite and then walk away, and he’s fine. If Gracie is hungry and wants company, Tig will go with her and chow down. Which is why he’s so fat.

They’re both going on a diet when Gracie’s better.

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3 Responses to Gracie Update 18: Hangin’ by the food dish

  1. Paul says:

    Get well soon Gracie !! :)

  2. I think I need to go on a diet.

  3. chsw says:

    It sounds like Gracie is recovering nicely. WRT Tig’s tummy, he’ll lose weight quickly if you put him outside or in the building’s basement for a few days so that he has to catch his dinner.


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