Terror-supporting Iran

The BBC gives us more proof of Iran’s proxy war with Israel.

A senior Hezbollah official has told the BBC that Iran is providing the group with money to help fund its reconstruction activities in Lebanon.

Kassam Allaik said Iran also had its own groups in Lebanon, rebuilding bridges, roads and mosques.

Lebanon’s Finance Minister, Jihad Azour, also acknowledged that Iranian money is going directly to Hezbollah.

[…] Mr Azour has said that he has been in talks with Iranian officials who had promised to direct funds through the Lebanese government but so far no money has been received.

“Iran is officially providing assistance to Hezbollah, but the reconstruction is done by the government,” Mr Azour said.

When you next read about Hezbullah demanding “representation” in the Lebanese government, remember that it isn’t Hezbullah that’s getting representation. It is Iran. Syria and Iran are plotting between them to destroy the nascent democracy that the Cedar Revolution began.

And the world is too busy watching Israel to pay any attention to this.

Have we heard any UN pronouncements about Syrian-Iranian meddling? No. But Kofi Annan is expressing his “concern” over the current operation in Gaza.

The palestinians remain the Middle East’s sleight-of-hand. While everyone’s watching the “Nothing up my sleeve” hand, the other hand runs the murderous thugocracies and mullahcracies that infest the region.

And only Israel gets criticized.

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