Gracie update 2

The vet called a little while ago. The bad news is she thinks Gracie has pancreatitis, which means her body is trying to digest its own pancreas. The good news is it’s curable. She’s been on IV fluids since 9 a.m., and will be on them for at least another day. That’s the cure for pancreatitis—IV fluids and the slow re-introduction of solid food. So she’s staying there at least tonight, and possibly for two or three days.

But it looks like my Sweetness should be fine. She hasn’t vomited at all since she’s been at the vet’s. That’s the longest she’s gone without throwing up in three days. I think she’s on the mend.

I am so relieved. It’s not near Gracie’s time yet.

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10 Responses to Gracie update 2

  1. Rahel says:

    That’s great news. Thank God.

  2. But you didn’t thank *ME* for posting 3 minutes before you. :P

  3. Lair, thanks for posting three minutes before me.

  4. Kim says:

    I hope your baby girl continues to do well and that you can bring her home soon. We need more Gracie pix!

  5. Barefoot Jewess says:

    Gracie is such a lovely kitty. I am so glad that she will be okay!

  6. chsw says:

    Now that you know what it is, Gracie should have a refuah and you should have no scratches when giving her any medication she might need.


  7. Robert says:

    I am so glad that she will recover….

  8. Good to hear. Our big guy has this problem last winter and it was touch and go for about two weeks.

  9. ilyka says:

    Aw, Gracie! Get better, pretty girl.

    I’m so glad it’s something treatable.

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