Russia’s proxy war against Israel

Say, remember those two kidnapped soldiers? You know, the ones Hezbullah took after murdering three of their compatriots?

The Russians say they’re just fine and dandy, physically. Gee, thanks, Russia. Because it’s not like you weren’t helping the effing Syrians and the effing terrorists and the effing Iranians kill more Jews during the war.

During the fighting in Lebanon Hezbollah received direct intelligence support from Syria, using data collected by listening posts jointly manned by Russian and Syrian crews. Hezbollah was also fed intelligence from new listening posts built on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights, which are operated jointly with Iran.

This information was confirmed in recent reports by the defense journal Jane’s.

Syria’s centrality to the collection and transfer of intelligence to Hezbollah is based on separate agreements Damascus signed with Moscow and Tehran on intelligence cooperation.

Eff you, Russia, and your long, bloody history of Jew-hatred. Eff you, Russia, the nation that forged the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Eff you, Russia, the nation that supplied Israel’s enemies with weapons to murder Jews for decades, and used your own soldiers to try to kill Israelis.

I’m so glad my grandparents left Russia. Another hearty eff you to the former Soviet Union, and hey, doesn’t it suck that Communism sucked so bad it bankrupted what used to be the only other world superpower?

Well, no, actually, it doesn’t suck for us. Only for the apparatchiks. Who are, like, sooo 1980s.

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5 Responses to Russia’s proxy war against Israel

  1. Reminder: the Soviet Union helped establish the State of Israel. Of course, that was back in the day when the everyone (including both the US and the Israeli government) thought Israel was going to be a bastion of True Socialism. (Not that Israel ever fully recovered from socialism.)

    The US and Israel didn’t develop the current special relationship until after the 1956 war. I’d cut the Soviets a little slack in recognition of their contribution.

  2. Paul says:

    The Russians are opportunists and no friend of Jews as evidenced by their past actions.

  3. Cynic says:

    The US and Israel didn’t develop the current special relationship until after the 1956 war.

    NO. Only after the 1967 war. In 1956 Dulles weighed in against Israel and to a lesser degree against the Brits and French; and had the support of the Russians to boot Ben Gurion out of Sinai.

  4. Sabba Hillel says:

    Consider that the Torah allows Egyptians to become full converts after three generations as opposed to Moav and Ammon in which only the women can become converts. The reason for both is Hakaras Hatov (gratitude). The Egyptians are recognized for having welcomed Yaakov and the family (even though it was because he was Yosef’s father) and for having supported them during the famine. We said that Hashem is righteous in judgement because we see that he rewards the wicked for the good that they do. Similarly, we should recognize that the wicked did do something good (though they did not mean to).

  5. Michael Lonie says:

    The Russkies supported establishing Israel because they saw it as a blow against the British, whom Stalin still regarded in 1948 as the main enemies to “the Revolutionary Forces”. It was sort of like traditional antisemites supporting Zionism as a means to rid Europe of its Jews.

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