Note to self

When putting the Jeep windows back in because it’s going to rain tomorrow, please remember to do it while it’s still light out.

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3 Responses to Note to self

  1. soccer dad says:

    This reminds me of an exchange “Coach” had with someone on Cheers. I wish I remembered the whole thing.

  2. cond0010 says:

    Post it note on your blog – cool idea.

    Btw, what was the cause for you to write this memo, Meryl? Inadvertantly step on Tig in the dark?

  3. Nah. But the Jeep top is black. The zippers are black. The darkness is black. And while all black makes for a great outfit for work or a party, it isn’t the greatest thing when trying to put your Jeep back together again before you go to bed. And the fact that I was exhausted from another week of sleep-debt wasn’t helping.

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