A happy Yom Kippur moment

The rabbi, in his sermon today, suggested that we spend the day not listening to our iPods and watching TV or working on the computer, but contemplating and thinking about ways to be better people.

Sometime later that afternoon, I took his advice. I was tired, so I contemplated napping in The Chair that Swallows You Whole. Tig saw me contemplating, and contemplated joining me. The way he joins me on the chair is infinitely amusing. He climbs onto the left-hand arm of the chair, meows at me, and starts pawing at me. He paws for long enough to annoy me into saying, “Settle!”, at which point, he either gets huffy and lies down on the arm of the chair, continues to paw, or climbs onto my chest. Then he slowly capsizes until he is upside down, and slides into my lap, still upside down, waiting for me to rub his belly.

So today, I contemplated rubbing his belly, and he contemplated getting his belly rubbed (purring all the while), and we fell asleep contemplating and meditating.

I’m not quite sure that’s what the rabbi had in mind, but Tig and I enjoyed our nap. A purring kitty in your lap, wrapped around your arm, is quite a nice way to think deep thoughts (if you can stay awake).

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10 Responses to A happy Yom Kippur moment

  1. cond0010 says:

    Uh… does this mean free ice cream for us blog denizens?

  2. Eric J says:

    For the sins we have committed in being late for thy feeding,

    and for the sins we have committed by ignoring your mews.

    For the sins we have committed in neglecting thy belly rubs,
    and for the sins we have committed in spurning your gifts…

  3. chsw says:

    Having a cat or a dog, and being a truly responsible owner, would be a good start for many people.

    chsw (dog owner, cat-allergic)

  4. Rahel says:

    What a lovely way to spend Yom Kippur (or at least part of it).

    On my way to synagogue, I met my neighbor’s Siamese cat and gave her a skritching. She didn’t curl up around my arm, though, and her purr was all but undetectable. I think she likes to keep me on my toes.

    cond0010, I don’t know about free ice cream, but maybe if we ask Meryl nicely she’ll give us some cheesecake … as in feline cheesecake.

  5. cond0010 says:

    “maybe if we ask Meryl nicely she’ll give us some cheesecake … as in feline cheesecake. ”

    My spidey senses are tingling…

    May I assume that this feline cheesecake looks similiar to a … Baby Ruth?

  6. Meryl,
    I am thoroughly disapointed at your post today. As a matter of fact I’m sickened by it.I had read some of your fantastic anti PETA posts in the past and thought this was a great anti animal blog site but you’re cuddling up to a cat in your post today only feeds the PETA beast. It serves no one but the pro animal people when you are nice to an animal. You need to knock all that kindness to animals off now and get back to hating… not just PETA but the animals as well. Nothing pisses off PETA more than an abused animal….OK? Any animal loved and treated nicely is a pro PETA statement.Please stop that behavior!!!! As a matter of fact you need to get more active against animals and maybe start hunting which is a pro american tradition!!. It’s legal to shoot cats in some states and where I live PETA tried to stop us from shooting stray cats but we prevailed when the voters spoke. My friends and I, when we can’t get out and shoot deer or coyotes, gun down the felines running loose in our neighborhood.Its the best way to anger the animal rights folks like PETA and make me feel better.
    God Bless….



  7. Philbert, I’ll start working on that. Next year.

    By the way, it’s not legal to shoot cats in any state. If I weren’t sure you were joking, you’d scare me.

  8. Rahel says:

    cond0010, by “feline cheesecake” I meant kitty pics, such as the ones in the thread above.

    And they’re fantastic. Thank you, Meryl!

  9. cond0010 says:

    Agreed, Rahel.

    They are not what I expected. ;)

  10. chsw says:

    Philbert, shooting cats is a waste, unless you get a clean headshot. That way, most of the pelt and all of the meat remains usable.


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