Gilad Shalit is still alive

And the palestinians will be getting hundreds, if not thousands, of prisoners released when they release him.

Israel on Wednesday night confirmed for the first time that a letter has been received from Gilad Shalit. Channel 2 reported that the letter, which was reported by Arab media in recent days, indeed exists and was received by Israel.

Egyptian Foreign Minister Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit expressed his optimism on Monday regarding the chances that Shalit would be released. In a meeting with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni at the UN headquarters in New York, he said that he was very optimistic that it would happen within days.

“We will bring him,” he said.

Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak also commented on the emerging deal for the kidnapped soldier’s release, and said that Israel may release more Palestinian prisoners than expected as part of the swap.

“The outlines of the agreement, which is not yet complete, affirm the release of the Israeli prisoner in exchange for an initial large batch of women and children and then the release of Palestinian prisoners in three batches,” the state news agency MENA said, quoting Mubarak speaking on Sunday night.

Of course, such a great result for kidnapping one soldier won’t encourage the terrorists to kidnap more.

Oh, wait. Yes, it will.

You know, when the terrorists insist on Israel releasing hundreds or thousands in exchange for one or two Israelis, even if they’re not alive, it isn’t Israel that is promoting the thought that one Israeli is worth a thousand palestinians. And yet, you will hear that blamed on Israel, too.

Mind you, one Gilad Shalit is worth a thousand terrorists, but that’s a different thought altogether. Well, it is to me, and to all rational people. But there are those that would argue with us.

I’m glad if Gilad makes it home. But the cost, as always, will be paid again in the future, for someone different.

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