Reading material

Jews Under Fire: Jews in the Armed Forces celebrate the High Holy Days.

Pakistan bugs out, Taliban moves in: Our “allies” in Pakistan, the ones who are helping us win the War on Terror? They just gave Al Qaeda everything it wants in Waziristan, and released a bunch of prisoners to top it off. Five years after 9/11, Pakistan is still our enemy, and W. still refuses to acknowledge it.

And oh yeah—they’re back in Afghanistan, too.

Check out the sexist first line: Ladies, trust me when I tell you that you’re gonna get really, really pissed if you read this story. I think there are still hairs stuck to the ceiling above where the top of my head blew off.

Okay, that’s it. I’m tired. Check the list of blogs on the right and left sides of the page.

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One Response to Reading material

  1. Sabba Hillel says:

    What? You don’t see the sarcasm or snarky comment emoticon in the article?

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