
Not content to kill Lebanese through the willful use of them as human shields in Hezbollah’s war on Israel, Bashar Assad is now strangling their recovery by cutting off electricity:

Syria has cited technical problems for its decision to cut power supplies to Lebanon, which was already suffering from severe electricity rationing after the outbreak of hostilities last month, Syrian and Lebanese officials said Friday.

The Syrian office for the production and transport of electricity had informed the state-run Lebanese electricity company that “it cannot ensure supplies anymore,” because of technical problems with its own power grid.

There was speculation the electricity supply cut was an attempt by Damascus to pressure the Lebanese not to comply with the Israeli demand.

When Jews cut off electricity to Arabs as political pressure, it’s a crime against humanity and every nation and NGO shrieks bloody murder.

But when Arabs willfully cut off electricity to other Arabs as political pressure, it’s just “technical difficulties.”

Oh, and making the Lebanese dependent on Syrian electrical power isn’t a form of occupation and dominance while Palestinians dependent on Israeli electrical power is.

See how that works?

About Laurence Simon

I'm a thirty-something dataschmuck in Houston, TX. I spend my free time grilling, baking, playing with cats, and trying to invent the Tequila Sunset.
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3 Responses to Stranglehold

  1. Just like when Israel has troops in Lebanon it’s *shudder* “occupation” but when Syria’s more brutal, longer serving troops were there it was “military presence” or some such innocuous euphemism.

  2. Michael Lonie says:

    Ah David, the Syrians were there to save the Lebanese from the brutal Israelis dontcherknow. All progressive people know that the Israelis are the new Nazis, a bunch of fascistic tyrants and terrorists told them so. Nothing at all to do with “Greater Syria”, no nothing. Nothing to see here, move along now.

  3. Alex Bensky says:

    No surprises here, Meryl, but merely another operation of what you insist on calling the “Exception Clause” but is more properly referred to as “the Bensky Corollary to Everything.”

    It’s OK, or at least excusable and understandable, unless Jews do it. Apparently this is causing great consternation and distress among the Arab blogsphere:

    Strapping mock explosives onto toddlers is OK if you’re a Pali. Writing slogans on shells is depraved if you’re Israeli.

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