Life’s no longer a beach

Alas, I am back from the North Carolina Outer Banks and back in the non-vacationing world. We had a wonderful time, and are planning to do it again next year.

A few pictures, so I can look at them and sigh longingly.

The beach at sunset

Dogs allowed

The nightly walk

Girl talk.

We walked the dogs on the beach in the evening, when there were fewer people around. The girls generally tagged behind, looking for shells and talking.

It was a good time. Too short, though. Next year, the full week. Next year, it’ll be a much more planned vacation, and hopefully, a paid one. Temping really sucks in that respect—I don’t work, I don’t get paid. Not in this job, anyway. My previous one had much better benefits. I accrued a certain amount of time per hours worked, and could start taking it after a month.

Oh, well. Perhaps Large Company will change its mind and make me a permanent employee soon. Hey, I have another Outer Banks vacation to plan, and I need to buy a few more beach items. I want my own boogie board. And some kind of raft or tube. I told Heidi what I want to do next year is get a floating lounge chair and jury-rig an anchor for it, then float it out past the breakers and just lie there and enjoy the ocean. She laughed and said that would be fine, until the next day, when I’d be in agony from the sunburn.

Okay, so next year, I’ll spend some time outdoors first. Got a bit burned yesterday, and last night wasn’t the most comfortable sleep I’ve ever had. Between the sunburn and the cats yowling at me because I was back home, I didn’t get much sleep. Oh, right. I’m writing this Thursday night and it will post on Friday morning sometime. The wonders of scheduled posting.

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One Response to Life’s no longer a beach

  1. LynnB says:

    Oh, YUM!!!

    Is that gorgeous, or what?!


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