Strange Tig habits

Tig just came in from a long day of napping outside. Well, he’s been in and out many times, because it was a balmy mid-80s today, no humidity, and his favorite pastime of sun-sleeping took up most of the day. Then there was sleeping in the dark that took up the evening.

But his magic Tig radar said that something good was going on inside, so he came inside, and begged for some of what I’m eating.

I am eating La Choy Chow Mein Noodles. I have a cat who adores them. He stands up on his hind legs and reaches his paw onto the table to beg for them. I have just given him another.

He is a happy kitty.

What weird foods do your cats like?

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4 Responses to Strange Tig habits

  1. Piper likes Pizza Hut Crazy Bread.

  2. Herschel says:

    Chico, my Siamese kitty loves fruit.
    Apples, pears, melon, mango, grapes, are all fine with him. Just one catch, the fruit has to be held so that he can scrape it with his tongue, if its put in his bowl he loses interest.

  3. Liana says:

    One of ours likes mandarin orange slices from a can. Another goes nuts for challah, and once stole a shred of pickled ginger from a plate of sushi.

  4. Tom Frank says:

    Let’s see…

    Our Tig likes:
    – Cheetos, Doritos, and similar salty snacks
    – Ritz crackers (he’ll even open the box, get one out for himself, and then reclose the box so we can’t tell he’s done it…pity he can’t reseal the inside bag, or he would get away with it!)
    – Butter (we can’t leave the stick out) and buttery things (challah might qualify, I’ll have to check, and that explains the Ritz)
    – The milk (lactose free, of course) at the bottom of the cereal bowl. But only from a cereal bowl. He’ll ignore a glass of milk sitting on the counter (fortunately).

    Peanut likes:
    – Anything onion flavored (we know onions are bad for cats, so she doesn’t get any, but a piece of chicken that was stir fried with onions is a hit)
    – meat with barbeque sauce
    – most anything spicy (she has licked wassabi)
    – meat cooked with garlic

    Zorro, on the other hand, has no real excess of interest in food, which is why he’s the skinny one (wish I could be like that).

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