Reading material

Solomonia has transcripts from Ehud Olmert’s responses to the international press. Must-read. Go. Read it. The p-word (proportionality) is used.

Dave is liveblogging again, when he has time for it.

Vital Perspective has a wide variety of reading material to reference.

Here’s an aggregator of Jewish blogs to help you find more reading material.

Carl in Jerusalem has a ton of information.

AbbaGav has an excellent post that cuts straight to the heart of the matter.

This Ongoing War puts the lie to Hizbullah’s claim of not targeting civilians. (This blog is written by the parents of a victim of a suicide attack. Go read.)

Please feel free to add a link in the comments.

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2 Responses to Reading material

  1. Andrew says:

    Wow, Ehud Olmert: rhetorical bad-ass. That was outstanding.

  2. Arnold says:

    Thanks for linking to the blog that Frimet and I write. For months, what motivated us was the nonsense that there was some sort of truce being observed by the Jihadists, and that enraged us because it cheapened and delegitimized the losses suffered by families like ours who not only have to cope with the murder of a loved-one but also with the pervasive denial that this is happening because of a war. This week, there’s a lot less doubt about the fact we’re in a real shooting war.

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